How Much Longer Will Cringe Jean-Pierre Stay At Her Job? – IOTW Report

How Much Longer Will Cringe Jean-Pierre Stay At Her Job?

MRN: Fox News commentator Joe Concha believes that White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre has limited time left after the ridiculous pressers of late at the White House have continued.

Concha is asked, “How much longer can she continue this bob and weave?”

Concha responded, “Not too much longer.” He points out that watching the press briefings are painful.

During one recent press briefing, KJP was asked if she would bring a representative from the Department of Justice. in to answer questions about Biden’s classified document scandal. KJP told the reporter she would not, but continued to refer reporters to the DOJ for answers.

Concha called it a “circle of communication where there is no communication.”

As the White House refuses to be forthcoming about the information in Biden’s classified document scandal little bits of information come out slowly over day days keeping the news in the spotlight.

Concha is then asked, “How could she handle this better though?” more

21 Comments on How Much Longer Will Cringe Jean-Pierre Stay At Her Job?

  1. The only way they can get rid of her is to find some tape of her stealing baggage at the airport. Incompetency is not grounds for dismissal in the Biden admin when everyone appointed is selected by the Maximum D.I.E. checkbox standards.

  2. Why does any media propagandist even go to these WH gatherings?
    To paraphrase an 60s anti-war slogan, “What if they gave a presser and nobody came?”

  3. She needs to stay. Like her boss and all those who surround him, that buffoon is in way over her head. She is the epitome of just how effed up team Biden is. The longer she stays the more Biden is exposed.

  4. As bad as she is, she’s not the most incompetent member of Biden’s* team and she’s certainly not the most dangerous. I say keep her for the entertainment value.

  5. Kcir – Canadian Joker, Eh?
    JANUARY 22, 2023 AT 2:30 PM
    “Don’t Know.

    Are they doing a Re-Boot of the TV show Shaft without the “Shaft”?
    — Shaft-less in NY — 2024”

    …bo, we’re not Shaft-less.

    We can’t SEE the shaft because we’re bent over GETTING the shaft.

    Laugh at them as we may, they remain richer and more powerful that most of us will ever be, and in a position to ruin any person’s life where no person can ruin theirs.

    And absent a revolution, they will REMAIN so.

    ..there’s a shaft, all right.

    They rape us bloody with it every day, then laugh and tell us to put some ice on it when they know we can’t afford water because of them.

  6. Compared to the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey she’s the epitome of competence.

    She holds press briefings and says absolutely nothing – which is her job.
    Remember the mercurochrome-haired “circle back” maggot? I think she left because she felt stupid acting stupid – this one IS stupid – she’s not acting.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. In her defense, she’s no less incompetent than My-Yorkus, Wray, Buttiplug and that freak crossdresser guy who thinks he’s a Naval officer. There are so many freaks in Biden’s administration, she barely stands out.

  8. F##K ‘EM ALL

    When those Plastic, Botoxxed , Injected Fraud Turds say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” , that is when I will listen to their Theatre at Tables Square and Round opinions again.

    Until then . . . F##K FOX, CNN and NBC ms&mr

  9. Think of it this way: Once the uber-bimbo gets kicked to the curbside she’ll have more time on her hands to wear her comical wig as a wanna-be Shirley Temple.


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