How Nancy Pelosi could lose the speakership to Kevin McCarthy – IOTW Report

How Nancy Pelosi could lose the speakership to Kevin McCarthy

American Thinker: Is karma going to come calling for Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats? I know that it sounds crazy, yet another improbable scenario in a season when our hopes have been dashed repeatedly after hearing predictions that a stolen presidential election would be rectified in the courts. But the scenario that follows is far from impossible, given House rules for voting in person, the tiniest House of Representatives majority (9 votes) in decades, the deep ideological split within the Democrats (downplayed or ignored by the partisan media) and the fading lucidity of Nancy Pelosi.

Mike Lillis and Scott Wong of The Hill point out that

…lawmakers must be present on the House floor to cast their vote for Speaker, precluding the option for members to vote remotely, as many have done throughout the pandemic. [emphasis added]

This differs from the rules under which House members have been voting since COVID became a factor.  Matt Margolis of PJ Media explains: more

10 Comments on How Nancy Pelosi could lose the speakership to Kevin McCarthy

  1. …Irrelevant. in a Harris presidency, she will order as China says, and the House and Senate will become merely pro forma parodies of a branch of government as the courts have already become, merely rubber stamping whatever the Party demands through Harris, like Hitler’s Reichstag or Stalin’s Supreme Soviet.

    …a couple of years of this, and you’re not even going to remember that the House and Senate ever existed…

  2. Wouldn’t make a bit of difference. REgressives still win the nose count and will get majorities on all of the committees.

    Besides, McCarthy is such a stand up guy./s Never fear though, Jim Jordan will tweet up a storm.

  3. Pelosi may be losing popularity, but don’t start hoping for a Republican to be selected as Speaker of the House.

    FWIW, I’d like to see AOC become the Speaker, it would just make for an much more interesting Congress in place of the mostly boring one we have now.

  4. Rancid Nancy’s ouster as speaker would be of little consequence. All the House has to do is pass a resolution to remove the current speaker and follow that up immediately with a vote for a new one. If the Dems precede that with a rule change for the new congress to allow remote voting, then any possible advantage the Reps have disappears.

    In essence, yes it is possible for the new congress to elect a Rep speaker, but he wouldn’t last very long.

  5. Let’s just hope there are people everywhere with cameras, etc., following trucks and vans, camped outside buildings where vote counting is housed, grabbing suspected ‘evidence’ and hounding/questioning everyone in sight on election night in Georgia.

  6. Remember: politicians do not fear failure anywhere near as much as they fear being held accountable for it. That’s why RINOs have no problem sitting back and watching the country go to shit as long as they can blame Democrats for it.

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