How NOT to stop knife crimes – IOTW Report

How NOT to stop knife crimes

Patriot Retort: The gun-free UK has been suffering from an epidemic of knife crimes over the last couple years.

In fact, last year, I wrote about a few of the ways the Brits have tried to crack down on knife crimes.

They tried Cookie Monster drop-off bins.

They even tried a “knifefree” website that encourages knife-wielding psychos to “join the millions of young people living knife free.”

Heck, even London Mayor Sadiq Khan tried the “tough on crime” route tweeting:


No excuses: there is never a reason to carry a knife. Anyone who does will be caught, and they will feel the full force of the law. 

You hear that, you Limey knife-crazed bastards?!

Pint-sized Khan will bring the full force of the law down on you!!! (But only after they’ve rounded up every Brit who “mis-genders” a transsexual.)

Surprisingly, not one of these efforts to curb knife crimes has succeeded.

Which is shocking.  I mean, who could have foreseen that Cookie Monster would fail?

But fear not, Brits!

The UK has dreamt up another sure-fire way to put an end to knife crimes!

9 Comments on How NOT to stop knife crimes

  1. Glad we (Ghost and company) fought a revolution to get away from them…1776.

    Glad we had to fight a later war to say EFF off if you did get the first message…1812

    Glad we, patriots, fought two wars to keep totalitarianism at bay…1917/1941.

    Glad to see them spiral away…into disfunctional delusional-ism, 2019.



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