How on Earth do people agree to have weather taxed? – IOTW Report

How on Earth do people agree to have weather taxed?

Trillions for 1.5 degree Celsius

By Bob Smith for American Thinker:

How on Earth do people agree to have weather taxed? 

A Millennial once asked how anyone could be against climate change because it isn’t even political.  He had a point; climate change is weather.  But if a political party finds an avenue to tax weather, it becomes political.

The Democrat party has earned its nickname of “The Tax and Spend Party” going back nearly one hundred years.  The Democrats  have found their golden goose, an avenue to trillions of dollars ($1,000,000,000,000s) by claiming that a possible 1.5 degrees Celsius rise in temperature may destroy our planet.  The Millennials have claimed the cause, to save the Earth, and the Democrats have a solution.  In their gullibility, Millennials have aided, even abetted, making weather political.

The U.N., with its goal to keep the temperature of the planet under control, limiting its increase to 1.5 degrees, wrapped up its annual two-week conference, which was divided into two zones: the green zone and the blue zone.  The green zone was open to the general public, who were entertained with workshops, art exhibits, presentations, demonstrations of technology, and musical performances.  Included was the involvement of children with a poem competition courtesy of “Our Planet Now.”  The children focused on the topic of something affecting our planet.  Also in the green zone, “People’s Advocates” came up with planet-saving solutions such as encouraging children to walk to school and banning single-use plastics.  Of all the inane topics, a Gender Action Plan was tied into climate change solutions.  Children’s museums are on board to lead climate research and action.  No doubt, our children are recognized as critical agents of change. MORE

18 Comments on How on Earth do people agree to have weather taxed?

  1. Has the US Senate ratified anything? Because last time they voted on ‘climate change’, Kyoto Protocol in the 90s, the vote was 95-0 against.
    Of course Dem presidents in this millennium don’t ask the Senate to vote on things that they are Constitutionally required to confirm.

  2. Was fucking Joe *Biden really standing in front of a sign that said “CON 26”???

    The Global Warming Industrial Complex can’t be any plainer than that – their con game has been running for 26 years now.

  3. Until Liberals are willing to turn off the gas and electric to their own homes I will continue to call global climate change a scam!
    With all the taxes we pay for their follies, I’m tired of funding their fantasies in return for getting 55 more genders, an out of control homeless mess, senseless, thru-the-roof murder and crime rates in their bum-piss soaked, shit-hole cities!

  4. “The Millennials will soon understand”
    No they won’t, there’s no hope for the TRUE BELIEVERS.
    Weather it is climate change or the JAB is good for you.
    It’s all about money, how to make your money, theirs.
    How many American jobs have been lost to illegals in the last 10 months. How many new illegals are welfare recipients.

    400 private planes at environmental summit.
    The Sunday Mail also estimated that these jets will blast 13,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere, which will generate more global warming gas than 1,600 Scots burn through in a year.

  5. Until all the Globaloney Warming Hoaxers are eliminated, this pernicious shit will continue.

    “We have nothing to lose but our chains!”
    (dead white dude)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. If our planet makes it another 10 years in this iteration, it’s going to be getting colder. Much colder. However, with the Earth’s magnetic field collapsing exponentially, 10% per century at the turn of the 20th century to 10% per decade at the turn of the 21st century to now 5% per year. 3-4 years before a magnetic excursion and complete collapse would be generous. Happy Sunday all.

  7. For that matter, how can people agree to not only have themselves injected with an untested, unknown, unneeded substance, but their children as well?
    One biggest con in history begets another?

  8. As with anything and everything on the progressive (Satan’s) agenda, the root motivation behind it is to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death. It is the one constant.

  9. Earth’s magnetic field changes polarity every so often (I don’t recall the number of years) so it HAS to collapse (i.e. go to zero) in order to reverse – just as a coin’s, when tossed into the air, vertical velocity must reach zero to reverse course and descend.
    These things (Globaloney Warming, Globaloney Cooling, Magnetic Polarity, Polar Tilt, Accretion, Decretion, Volcanoes, Tornadoes, Continental Shifts and Drifts, Magma Penetrations, &c.) have been going on for billions of years and we’ve only been measuring them for … what … less than 1/1000th of 1/1000th of a percent of the time? – nothing to piss your pants over.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. What a joke Obiden is.
    Claiming tornadoes touched dow because we haven’t stopped climate change.
    He actually expects people to believe he can control the weather if we give up our money, etc.
    Lifelong grifter Joe.


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