How small a hole can a mouse get through? – IOTW Report

How small a hole can a mouse get through?

You can find out here.

18 Comments on How small a hole can a mouse get through?

  1. OH! Love the sound effects! I think he was right; after eating all the peanut butter, the mouse was too fat to fit through the smallest hole.

    Funny, though, how he left ‘deposits’ and still couldn’t get through the smallest hole.

  2. One time years ago I heard rumbling in a large dog food bag down in my basement. I couldn’t figure out what it was until I checked it and there was a ton of baby mice inside the bag, I drowned them all and got a larger more secure heavy plastic dog food container after that. I hate mice and we still occasionally see one but the cat knows where they’re at as well, my daughter freaks out whenever she sees a mouse. And I once had to dispose of a dead mouse for one of my customers because she couldn’t do it.


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