How The Federalist Society Betrayed Conservatives – IOTW Report

How The Federalist Society Betrayed Conservatives

Who picked this gang of idiots for the Supreme Court?

Emerald Robinson – It seems a hundred years have passed since President Trump picked Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett to serve on the Supreme Court and started what was supposed to be the Great Conservative Years of the Trump Era. Long after the Donald left office, there was going to be a young gun block of Textualists and Originalists making the liberals cry in decision after decision, and even rolling back Roe v. Wade eventually. Finally, we owned the courts. How wrong we were.

It wasn’t Trump’s fault. He had done his part and turned over the process of selection to the conservative legal movement — and the Federalist Society in particular. Leonard Leo and the other law nerds were trusted to locate a reasonable facsimile of Antonin Scalia, or two, for the new president. This was exactly what Trump was always being blamed for not doing: relying on the experts. We wanted a short list of his judges, and he gave us one. And we were all happy.

Nobody among the conservative establishment wondered if the Federalist Society knew what it was doing. Was Gorsuch actually a libertarian with a soft soft for transgender employment discrimination cases and native Indian property rights? Would he, for instance, suddenly rule that half of Oklahoma was actually a Creek Indian reservation? Would he decide that the term “sex” found in legislation passed in 1964 actually covered sexual orientation and gender identity — which no lawmaker in 1964 would have ever countenanced — and enshrine the LBGT movement’s dearest wishes into law? more

19 Comments on How The Federalist Society Betrayed Conservatives

  1. It’s not just the federalist society that perpetually screws the pooch on actual conservative ideals. The problem is that the elitist inhabitants of Washington, DC and the Acela corridor are so insulated from life in the real world that they truly have no concept of what being a real conservative is. The most conservative talking heads in media and “think” tanks that populate DC and surrounding areas would be a brain dead, unthinking, liberal idiot in 95% of the land area of America. They don’t live the same lives as most of the people in America and they really don’t want to …. they just want to tell us how we should live.

    They’ve always been sheltered by their wealth and influence from the policies and programs that they think are just great , while the rest of the populace has to live under them. They really don’t have the intellectual or moral capacity to understand the principles that America was founded on because they’ve been insulated from the reality of “real life” all their lives. Yet they are lauded as being the “brain trust” of actual conservatism. Jonah Goldberg, Bill Kristol, George F’in Bush, et. al serve as perfect examples of this.

  2. This goes to show us how outnumbered Trump was! The level of corruption might be greater than what can be overcome. I hope that’s not the case, but we better get to work or we are lost.

  3. Thanks Stirrin’ – over the years I wrote emails to many columnists / publications telling them the they didn’t represent the thoughts of actual conservatives at all. The few that did respond did so with some snarky BS that did nothing to refute my assertions but that I was just to ignorant to understand what they were trying to say. I think the term in psychology that applies to them is “cognitive dissonance”.

  4. Bubba – “…I think the term in psychology that applies to them is “cognitive dissonance”…”

    I think you give them too much “cognitive” credit. I think that it is arrogance and self-servance (I think I just made up a new word, but you get the point).

  5. I gave up on Heritage when kc james agreed that the United States of America WAS/IS systemically raysiss…
    Not to mention giving up national review many years back…
    Pay attention. Trust our Savior.

  6. The illusion of there being 2 political parties in this country is just that, an illusion. Very few, if any politicians, or the people connected to them are not in somebody’s pocket.
    Just have to follow the trail of money.

  7. The simple fact is: you can’t trust a lawyer.
    They are professional liars. They move towards advantage and will jettison any semblance of ideals whenever it suits them. They have NO principles – other than narcissism. They are vain, arrogant, insolent, abusive, rude, disparaging, and, for the most part, nihilists. They pretend to worship the law as a substitute for God – but they worship themselves.
    And “judges” are politically-appointed lawyers – probably the worst of the lot – for they can practice their perversions and dissimulations at leisure – only the most egregious and outrageous behavior will bring them to account (see Alcee Hastings, for instance).
    The rot is systemic in our bullshit “legal” (different from “justice”) process.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. the dirtball — and that’s just it: power and patronage. True Americans aren’t in a position (and never aspire to be) to scratch political backs in order to get something.

  9. I also gave up my subscription to National review about 8-10 years ago especially after they fired John Derbyshire for speaking the truth about blacks and other minorities. They are not conservative any longer like when they were under the editorship of William F Buckley and columns written by Russell Kirk back in the 80’s.

  10. Thanks to the truly shitty and insane ruling to equate sexual identity with actual biological sex under the law, physicians are required to treat the two following batshit crazy patient requests in entirely inconsistent ways:

    Consultation 1:

    Patient: “Doc, I’m naturally right handed, but I’ve always wanted to be left handed because I believe left handed people are smarter and more creative on average. So, I’d like you to surgically remove my right arm in order to ensure I do everything with only my left hand from now on.”

    Doctor: “I can’t do that. That’s irreversible self-mutilation, and I want no part in it. It’s my legal right to refuse.”

    Consultation 2:

    Patient: “Doc, I was born male, but I feel that I really am a woman inside. I want you to surgically excise my genitals prescribe estrogen treatments for the rest of my life.”

    Doctor: “Er… stunning… brave… Under state law, I have to do what you request and keep it a secret from your parents.”

  11. One simple fix. Quit hiring, appointing, electing people from Ivy League schools. In the 60s I was at LSU. We had been notified that a small group of the SDS was going to take down the flag and burn it because we were killing Vietnamese at the time. They gathered shuffled out to the flag looked at it and turned around and departed. That is the report from the paper. What you saw if you were watching was 5000 agriculture students with baseball bats. That was LSU at a liberal period. That is we’re you get your leaders.


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