How The Green New Deal’s Renewable Energy Mining Would Harm Humans And The Environment – IOTW Report

How The Green New Deal’s Renewable Energy Mining Would Harm Humans And The Environment


The Green New Deal (GND)—promoted by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and several other prominent elected officials—aims to replace all fossil fuels and nuclear energy with so-called “renewable” energy sources, primarily wind and solar.

The justification for this extreme policy proposal is based primarily on the fear that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from oil, natural gas, and coal will cause catastrophic global warming, as well as concerns about the alleged dangers of nuclear power sources.

The scientific case that manmade global warming poses an “existential threat” to humanity is highly questionable, according to many scientists, and the safety record for nuclear power in this country thoroughly belies the claims against it. read more

6 Comments on How The Green New Deal’s Renewable Energy Mining Would Harm Humans And The Environment

  1. Economic Suicide is painless if you are an Environmentalist. Wind turbines kill millions of bats and birds, solar power creates costly recycling and disposal problems, and none of these energy sources are economic without massive subsidies. Nuclear power could solve most of the problems that these alternative energy sources can’t actually address, but the Environmentalists have made it impossible in this country to build new nuclear power plants.

  2. These same SOB ecoweenies would have never allowed us to build hydroelectric dams for irrigating farm crops and for cheap electrical power here in Wash. State on the Columbia and Snake Rivers thank God they built these dams mostly before the 1970’s before the ecoweenies started to gain power.

  3. Rare earths aren’t even close to environmentally friendly, either in the producing or the disposing of them.

    But the “green” stuff is only secondarily about being “green”, its political agendas are the real reason for it.

  4. “I envision a utopia where we elites benevolently rule over all you little people while you spend 12 hours per day, every day, powering treadmills to generate our electricity.
    Walk faster!”


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