How the Huffington Post Is Helping to Elect Donald Trump – IOTW Report

How the Huffington Post Is Helping to Elect Donald Trump

Read to the very end and you’ll see proof-

American Thinker: The Huffington Post, founded in 2005, is one of the most popular Internet news sites, with an Alexa global traffic rank of 158 (mid-way between the WaPo and the NYT). Although it is probably the best source for real time election returns on the Internet , it has also earned a reputation as the most openly hostile and biased (major) news website reporting on Trump. It was one of the first news organizations to be banned from Trump events and routinely compares Trump to Hitler in its news stories. In comparison, the more balanced NYT and WaPo use editorials and blogs to make their Trump-Hitler case. The Huffington Post openly flaunts its contempt for Trump by concluding each news story with its standard “disclosure” warning its readers that Trump is a liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist, etc., etc.

HuffPo reporting is so extreme and offensive that Trump is most likely the benefactor, while the news website is damaging its brand.  All of our sample stories are from HuffPo’s news section, unless explicitly indicated otherwise.

The Huffington Post’s unusual coverage of Presidential candidate Donald Trump made its debut on 7/17/2015 when they announced how they would cover his campaign:  MORE

9 Comments on How the Huffington Post Is Helping to Elect Donald Trump

  1. HUFFNPUFF, aka Huffington Post, always has been and still is full of horse shit..anyone who buys their drivel would be more amused with Natl Enquirer..and better informed.

  2. My god, how in the hell did this idiot Trump who never stops saying stupid shit that I am forced to vote for over Hillary ever get here? Can that idiot just for a few more months just stay focused on Hillary?

  3. The HuffAndPuff was never a credible news source to begin with. It leans so far to the left, it’s almost at 90 degrees horizontal. The WaPo and NTSlime, like the blind squirrel finding a nut, do on occasion get one right in a row. But I have yet to hear of the HuffAndPuff getting one right yet. It may happen — someday.

  4. Huff po woke this guy up?
    Oh well, whatever it takes.

    All you have to do is look at ANY
    (and I *do* mean ANY)
    newspaper or TV show that discusses politics
    to get the gist of the smear campaign.

  5. I just blew my neighbor’s head up yesterday when I told her I was voting for Trump. She’s a super lefty liberal and started a pus-rant on Trump, and how uneducated whites were the only ones voting for him, so I just interrupted and said, “Yes, uneducated white people like me.” Then I just showered her with a stream of Hillary’s wrongdoings. It was a beautiful thing to behold. She’s also completely ignorant of islam (no shock there) so we had a long discussion about that. Quite a shock to her system.

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