How the Left Normalized Personality Disorders – IOTW Report

How the Left Normalized Personality Disorders

American Thinker: While the Pentagon directive to allow transgender men and women to join the military faces an indefinite delay this may be a good time to review just how America was ensnared with this Obama-era policy.

The evidence is clear—the American Left succeeded in lobbying the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to eliminate some of the sexual identity disorders from their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Most Americans have little knowledge of the DSM, its contents, and its implications.  The DSM is published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and “offers a common language and standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders.”  It is used, or relied upon, by clinicians, researchers, psychiatric drug regulation agencies, health insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, the legal system, and policy makers.  In the United States the DSM serves as a universal authority for psychiatric diagnoses.  The Department of Defense uses the DSM as its source reference for psychiatric diagnoses and metal disorders.


20 Comments on How the Left Normalized Personality Disorders

  1. anything goes with the left

    they are bringing about the demise of civilization

    it’s like a permanent bear market, where the commodity is not stock but morality, and we are headed for rock bottom

    it’s an easy comparison to look back from whence we came, where we are today, and common sense can connect the dots to the projected collapse and, with the new technologies etc, the slope of the decline is now steeper than ever

  2. 🔴 Like a carnival barker 🔴….

    the left-wing needs to CONSTANTLY try to sell the American people a new line of misery.

    Yeah, gay marriage is now legal, BUT, what about all the OTHER crazies that have issues?

  3. I don’t care what anyone says, transgenders and gays are mentally ill. Trans are the worst. They’re homophobic so their rational is if they claim to be trapped in the wrong body then having sex with someone who has the same genitalia as you is OK. They know sex with their own sex is wrong. So much so that they’re willing to surgically maim themselves. What’s next on the list for the sick, twisted left. That pedophilia is normal.

  4. The deviants behind this are normophobic, abnormal fear of normality and established social norms. I suggest we start using the word since they make up such pop-psych words all the time.
    I just made up that word, then thought to do a web search. One other person has independently arrived at the same word construction, and his article is interesting.

  5. Snake oil salesmen morphed into soothsayers, who morphed into fortune tellers, who morphed into clairvoyants who morphed in psychics who morphed into psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers! All phony baloney fakers, except the last three, are dangerous and have caused much turmoil and misery for humanity!!

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