How the media will spin it if Barr and Durham indict – IOTW Report

How the media will spin it if Barr and Durham indict

American Thinker: U.S. attorney John Durham has an exceptional reputation for honesty and being unbiased — but now Democrats and their wholly owned legacy media are singing, “BARR IS TRUMP’S ATTORNEY,” so Durham is tainted.  They are already preparing for what they fear and many others are hoping for: arrests and indictments of those who plotted to overthrow Trump with a rigged investigation and fictional “Russian collusion.”  This will come, perhaps in the coming months, and lead to a huge fight as Democrats claim that any arrests and indictments are just further obstruction of justice.  That is ridiculous, but Mr. Schiff and company are already pushing that, such as claiming that insisting on one’s legal rights is “obstruction.”

Expect legacy media, the likes of CNN and the Washington Post, to downplay any arrests and continue what they have been doing for the last few years: lying.  Facts are no longer honorable with legacy media as they work with Democrats to present their crafted version of reality, wherein Adam Schiff is a much abused hero valiantly trying to thwart the “white supremacist” and “racist” Donald Trump.  The ends justify the means to progressives, as they have repeatedly shown since 2016, when President Trump demolished their narrative and Hillary did not win in a landslide.  They will twist facts and ignore events with glee.  If you think they were hostile before, wait until arrests are made.  So any arrests are all to distract from Trump’s “crimes”, such as trying to fix illegal immigration and getting us of the Paris Climate Accord.  And as they did with Justice Kavanaugh, they will create false accusations of criminal or immoral behavior against Barr and Durham to discredit them. read more

15 Comments on How the media will spin it if Barr and Durham indict

  1. What was the purpose of “Q”? The purpose of Q was to get Americans use to the idea massive arrests of deep state MoFo’s are coming. He/they/it, posted many times, talk to your friends and family about this. Imagine how CNN could spin the massive arrest of deep state mutha fxckers. It’s coming. It’s been proven lately that who or what ever Q is gets their Intel from the northern army of Virginia jsos. The same guys that just killed Bag Daddy. The Northern Army of Virginia jsos is who gives Trump his security briefings. For obvious reasons. Remember the early reports of Trump skipping security briefings. Well yea, no. He just wasn’t getting them from an alpha bet soup agency that wanted him dead. I can supply links.

  2. “…arrests and indictments of those who plotted to overthrow Trump with a rigged investigation and fictional “Russian collusion.” This will come,…”

    No, it never will. You’d be better off believing in Unicorns and a just universe. Quit lying to yourself. It’s idealism of the most unbased type.

    Get the phuck over it and live your life.

  3. This is something that I am concerned about.

    Very concerned…if the media and America will not except certain results of a long investigation??

    Not good!

  4. They’ll spin themselves into a grave.

    Look, all that counts is bad people going to prison. If no one goes to prison, it’ll all be for naught, and we’ll have to fight our way out.

  5. Here’s a good argument to use with a LoFo or Leftist at the Thanksgiving table.

    Roger Stone and Paul Manafort and Papadopolous and Genl Flynn were all convicted of picayune”Process Crimes”, not actual real crimes.

    Simply put, no crimes were committed BEFORE these bullshit hoax investigations got started. Their bullshit Process Crimes were from when their faulty memories made them say one thing to one corrupt Deep State FBI bureaucrat and then say something else to another corrupt Deep State DOJ bureaucrat. I call them Gotcha Crimes. Total bullshit. Totally meaningless.

  6. “What was the purpose of “Q”? The purpose of Q was to get Americans use to the idea massive arrests of deep state MoFo’s are coming. He/they/it, posted many times, talk to your friends and family about this. Imagine how CNN could spin the massive arrest of deep state mutha fxckers.”

    Interesting theory. Only one way to find out if it’s true, though, is if arrests and squealing start. If nothing happens, it wasn’t true.

  7. Do you folks realize we’re just like the majority of gray, depressed Soviet people who saw their government lie to them daily, years on end, KNEW it was lying and hated it, but were powerless to stop it?

    We’re like that, except about HALF our population wants the official lies to be true and does not want to be truly woke.

    Ever imagine a situation where the old Soviet citizenry had a better shot at true freedom than we do? One way or another, we’re about to find out if that’s the case.

  8. Virtually all of the BIG money, including internationally, is on the side of the leftist deep state.
    What chance do we realistically have? Not much of one.
    Trump has been very well aware of all this for a long time and yet he stepped up anyway, something that I find almost miraculous.
    It really comes down to a very pissed off outnumbered public. I think it would help tremendously if the President would get airtime on occasion and spell out to the people the problems and ask them to get more involved. He delivered a speech while campaigning for president that was one of the best I’ve ever heard and he should deliver more . Appealing directly to the people is the only way.

  9. @Anonymous November 15, 2019 at 10:08 pm

    > What was the purpose of “Q”?

    To keep Americans lazing on the couches they rent from the United States. No need to pull their shoes on, before their next shift. That they keep going to, on time, all the time, to pay “their” taxes to the United States.

    Don’t worry, loyal citizen. It’s being “looked into” by top men. Top. Men.

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