How the Underground Press Will Thwart the Media and Re-Elect Donald Trump – IOTW Report

How the Underground Press Will Thwart the Media and Re-Elect Donald Trump

American Thinker: As the saying goes, the difference between the New York Times and the old Soviet Pravda is that Pravda readers knew they were being lied to.

To circumvent the Soviet mainstream media, dissidents created what they called the “samizdat,” their word for the clandestine copying and distribution of literature banned by the state.

To circumvent our mainstream media, conservatives have created their own samizdat, an unorganized network of blogs, public forums, news-aggregators, online publications, talk radio shows, citizen-journalists, and legal monitors such as Judicial Watch, a truth force that one Second Amendment blogger aptly called “a coalition of willing Lilliputians.”

Despite repeated attempts by Big Tech to thwart the samizdat, the internet has given the Lilliputians unprecedented reportorial power, and social media —  Facebook and Twitter most prominently — have given them an ability to distribute their message in ways Soviet dissidents could only imagine.  It was the samizdat that carried Donald Trump to victory in 2016 and, barring massive vote fraud, will carry him again in 2020.

The samizdat has done most of the real reporting on the major news stories of the last dozen or so years, most recently on the Black Lives Matter (BLM) mania.  To understand the samizdat’s effect, consider a recent Gallup poll on the U.S. sports industry.  A year ago, by a 45-25 margin, most Americans had a favorable view of professional sports.  Today, by a 40-30 margin, most have an unfavorable view. MORE

8 Comments on How the Underground Press Will Thwart the Media and Re-Elect Donald Trump

  1. I can’t believe the difference in conservative media from 2010 to 2020. In 2010 you basically had Fox news and a handful of hard-to-find websites.

    Now we are a force to be reckoned with. That’s why FB, twitter, etc. are fighting so hard to censor us. The conservative base is a spectrum. Look at the Trump rallies. Every color and race are represented. Gays and Lesbians attend knowing they get more shit about going to a rally from libs than they ever got from conservatives. The scariest thing for libs is the number of millennials and Gen zs that are waking up along with blacks and Hispanics. Fun times ahead

  2. Back in the ‘70’s I mentored a young teenager in radio. (I must have done a good job because he has been more successful then I ever was). One day in 1978 he called me.

    “I just bought a short wave radio. What can I listen to?”

    “You can listen to Radio Moscow.”

    “How will I know when I tune them in?”

    “You’ll know.”

    “But how will I know?”

    “You’ll know..”

    “But how?”

    That went on for a minute or two and he was getting very frustrated with me.

    He called me a few days later.

    “I heard Radio Moscow.”


    “I knew.”

  3. “President Barack “If I Had a Son” Obama had the opportunity to endorse the verdict in 2013 and kill BLM in its earliest stages. He chose not to. Now the Democrats have lost control of a movement they lacked the courage to stop back when they had the power to stop it.”

    Dr “DildoCrat” Frankenstein has lost control of his “#BLM/PantyFag/RevComParty” Monster.

  4. It’s obvious. Why else the full court press trying to censor them.

    The Ministry of Truth is the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, but they are still wanting a monopoly on information.

  5. I am pretty sure PDJT will be re-elected but there is a good chance that we will lose the Senate. (Graham, Collins, McSally–though we will gain Tuberville in Alabama). We don’t have a very good hold on it now.


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