How To Be An Adult – IOTW Report

How To Be An Adult

Classes on being an adult hit colleges.

ONN: A university in North Carolina is offering workshops to teach its students how to be adults.

The College Fix reports that the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill is offering a series of workshops entitled “Adulting 101.”

Family Research Council Sr. Fellow for Policy Studies Peter Sprigg believes that the program is probably a good idea because the topic hits close to home.

“And I speak as the father of a college senior who is about to go into the world and have to take on some of these adult responsibilities that he hasn’t taken on before,” Sprigg shared.

The pro-family advocate contends that the series should be offered not necessarily because parents are irresponsible, but because it brings up some things that parents and college students have not given much thought to. MORE

9 Comments on How To Be An Adult

  1. Number one on the list of topics covered; a basic understanding of economics and budgeting. Too many “kids” subscribe to the AOC theory of money ,”If money doesn’t grow on trees, why do banks have branches?”. And a clear understanding that wealth is created………..not re-distributed.

    Second should be a crash course on American Exceptionalism, and how each person is the captain of his own ship, unencumbered by outside forces (nobody gives a damn about you to get in your way), it is solely up to the individual whether he is a success or a failure in life.

  2. I thought turning 18 in boot camp would go some ways into making me the adult I wanted to be. In some ways it did, other ways it postponed my development.

    There are aspects of the institutionalization that occurs in military service that stunt the individual. As perhaps it is intended, you are after all training someone to go forth on orders and perhaps get killed doing your job. This works best with young people. OSHA doesn’t have a combat arms branch.

    You do learn things like responsibility. And soon enough, you learn to demand that of others. Because the stakes for fucking that up can be high, and the results having a wider impact that just the individual.

    I wonder if these “Adulting” classes include in their curriculum the expectations you should reasonably hold for other ‘adults’?

  3. I learned how to be an adult after I moved away from home and had to be responsible for myself when I was 18 back in 1971. And then of course the next year I was in the Navy at 19 which taught me a lot about growing up both good and bad, fortunately it has been mostly good for the past 47 years. After I got out of the Navy in 1975 I went to college on the GI Bill, was married at 24 and had 3 kids which is what really helped both my wife and I to really grow up since we were no longer just responsible for ourselves but also for our children. Funny how that works when it’s no longer just about yourself and what you want to do with your life, life happens and you go with the flow or you mess everything up. Responsibility never killed anyone except for the lazy and those who want the gubmint to be their nanny, which sucks. Grow up snowflakes and be a man or a woman and don’t let everyone else tell you how to live your life, act responsibly, suck it up get a job, get married, have kids and enjoy life as it comes at you rather than bitching that everything’s not fair. Rule # 1 , life’s not fair, get over it and make the most of what you’ve been given since you live in the freest country that God ever created and the opportunities are limitless. If I sound like I’m preaching, so be it, you’ll be better off if you embrace life and accept all the challenges it gives you. Otherwise you’ll find yourself at 66, my age now with lots of regrets wondering what could’ve been. And get off my lawn if you’re going to be a pain in the ass.


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