How To Beat Down The Emotional Propaganda That Drive Mask Mandates, With Help From An Industrial Hygienist – IOTW Report

How To Beat Down The Emotional Propaganda That Drive Mask Mandates, With Help From An Industrial Hygienist

Masks don’t work. And there’s proof of that.
Coronaviruses, which are mostly aerosol, not droplets, which can float in the air for weeks at a time. Even when they’re dead.

Masks cause an increased risk of adverse effects to:
COPD, Sleep Apnea, Renal Failure, Obesity, Asthma, Claustrophobia, Panic Disorder, Dementia, Epilepsy,
Migraine sufferers, Respiratory Diseases, Dermatological Diseases, Pregnant women, and more.

If you need solid information on how ineffective different types of masks are against Covid19 so you can assert your rights when you fight your school board, your job, or your state and federal governments against mandates- Or maybe you just want to finally shut your annoying relative up-
Then WATCH THIS. [Sep 8, 2021 show]

– It’s nearly 2 hours long with interesting back and forth between host and guest, so make the time to watch.

The show’s expert guest, Stephen Petty, is an Industrial Hygienist. The type of person we should be getting our information from regarding the effectiveness of PPE. Not Fauci, not some state pencil-pusher, not the half-wit *president.

Watch Stephen Petty’s videos, Petty Podcasts on Rumble for more details on what Industrial Hygienists do.

Fight the emotional propaganda that drive mask mandates!

[And open a window once in a while]

13 Comments on How To Beat Down The Emotional Propaganda That Drive Mask Mandates, With Help From An Industrial Hygienist

  1. WA state has a new phrase for K-12 school kids. You k ow how the Left loves alliteration and 3 word slogans.

    “Learn to Return.”

    Suddenly, they are offering Covid testing and on site vax. Will they get permission from parents first I wonder…

  2. I just pulled my boy out of school. I filled out the forms, said I wasn’t going to play any more games, and I wasn’t going to change my mind. They were all fine with it. I received a call the next morning from the principal telling me they would make a MEDICAL EXEMPTION for him. I said no. Why should he need a medical exemption as a healthy child in order to breathe air? What nonsense. Surrounded by other kids who are all wearing masks. What fun THAT would be.

  3. OT,

    leftie wife got double pfizered late winter. She’s been in ER twice, admitted once (cardiac), and is now suffering shingles.

    Is it the jab? Sounds a lot like a recent Israeli study…

  4. We were just mandated yesterday to wear masks at work (all the employees as well as our customers who come into our warehouse) which I am not comfortable with. I will wear the damn thing while I am in the warehouse but as soon as I leave the damn thing comes off when I’m driving. Fortunately most of my deliveries are in Idaho which is far less restrictive than Wash. state is and almost normal compared to how Inslee has fucked us up in Washington. One of my coworkers, another driver has COVID and is currently hospitalized, I am praying for his safe recovery. I understand my bosses decision but I don’t like it and wish that this mandate can be removed ASAP.

  5. geoff the aardvark SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 AT 3:25 AM
    “We were just mandated yesterday to wear masks at work…’

    …My employer lifted the mask mandate as soon as the State did, but we are an FDA/USDA inspected facility that requires on-site inspectors from those agencies whenever running applicable products who are…you guessed it…employees of the Federal Government.

    So they were told that all inspection services would be withdrawn if they didn’t reinstate the mask mandate for ALL employees, vaxxed and unvaxxed.

    “For the safety of our (Federal Government) employees”.

    Without whom we would not be LEGALLY able to run, and therefore effectively out of business.

    …so, masks back up. Waiting for the jab instruations for same, especially with Pedo’s recent edict.

    …The Government is just into too much which gives them too much control.

    But notice where they DON’T exercise it.

    Jabs NOT required for illegals in Federal detention. Ivermectin also availabe for them but NOT for citizens.

    Jabs NOT required to receive welfare benefits of any kind from the Federal Government, even though they could EASILY make that a condition.

    Jabs NOT required for USPS, who has a LOT of people that go to a LOT of places.

    Jabs NOT required even for the CDC. It’s good to be the King!

    …all of which begs the question as to how the unvaxxed in any way threaten the vaxxed IF the vax actually WORKS.

    But all of this is just to cripped the economy, destroy private businesses, put people out of work, keep them sick and scared, deflect from Afganistan, and make people cry out for more Government to save them from the worsening situation that Government itself created.

    Working pretty good, too.

    IF we’re allowed to live that long, they’ll have us hiding in holes when the next “election” comes along.

    It will be TOTALLY contactless too, because we’ll demand it. No worries, Dominion will handle ALL the voting for you so you won’t get that icky ol’ Coof, go back to sleep peasants, Pedo’s got this.

    …pretty sure I know who’s going to win….

  6. Mask 😷 muzzles are just another of a long list of mental disorders that have come out of the Kung Fu Flu.

    So sick of these busybodies telling me how to live my life, and frankly they are endangering all of our lives.

    On a sidenote, my neighbor was walking the street in front of the complex the other day and was wearing a shower cap, mask and heavy-duty glove’s. I thought WTH 🤔 this is never going to end.

  7. “The primary constituency served by a federal vaccine mandate is affluent, vengeful neurotics whose sense of comfort depends on the Government coercing their perceived cultural inferiors into compliance.”

    – Michael Tracey, Actual Journalist, @mtracey

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