How to build a bridge – IOTW Report

How to build a bridge

I had no idea these machines existed.  I always figured they used cranes to lift the sections of road on the pillars.



14 Comments on How to build a bridge

  1. Physics and Engineering.
    You rarely see the sludge of the Education/Social Science ghettos trying to force their way in.
    Oh, yeah, plenty of “liberal” or “leftist” muddleheaded (socialist) students and faculty, but even these understand the iron-clad Laws of Physics.

    Try building THAT with 23 biased datapoints from Argentina!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Don’t let the Asian writing on the side fool you. These have been around for decades. These designs evolved in North America and Europe long before they were used in Asia.

  3. In China, concept on a bar napkin to ‘there now’ is maybe 2 years. In the U.S., environmentalists and lawyers add another 20 years. Another example is how fast border walls are going up in the middleast to stop the flow of muslim invaders.

  4. Mommas, don’t let your babies go to College to become Liberal Arts Majors !

    A world that chooses not to imbed its head up its hind parts, is a truly wonderful place!

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