With COVID and flu season being what they are, some of us will have to quarantine during Thanksgiving this year. Even if we don’t have to quarantine, many of us won’t be able to attend our usual Thanksgiving celebrations with family and friends. If you’re looking forward to having some time off, but can’t fill it with what you normally would this year, here are some ideas of traditions to create for yourself.
Create a schedule for the days you have off.
If you have Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday off, that’s a lot of free time. Or if this is just the beginning of a two week quarantine, and you won’t be working during it, you have even more free time. To have to spend it alone is overwhelming.
The first day of any vacation time is usually pretty easy — you sleep in, you watch some shows, you just relax, and it is enjoyable. But, then, the freedom and the show watching become oppressive on day two or three, and you start getting restless. So, plan your time. Are there a few things you need to get done around the house? Plan when you will do those things first, and then plan your relaxation time around them. Think about what brings you joy. Do you like creating art? Music? Cooking? Building something? Devote some of your free time to hobbies or activities you enjoy, and prepare for that now by making sure you have what you need. Order more yarn, or flour, or paper if you’re out. That way, you won’t resort to spending all your time on a screen, and end up feeling more isolated than you would have otherwise. more
I planned on ordering a Thanksgiving meal from a local restaurant as a carryout to help them during the shut down again in Michigan. Also ordering lunch and breakfast carryouts during this 3 weeks.
For all those that prefer to have control over my life, I plan to burn several car tires….since they’re all wearing a mask there shouldn’t be any problem.
It’s gonna sound like the 4th of July around here. I have ammo.
Take the time to plan events in the coming civil war.
jellybean, sound like you are planning an early Earth Day celebration. That’s my usual thing for Lenin’s birthday.
when i need instructions from a dindu about anything, will let u know – tell someone who gives a s**t
I’m having Thanksgiving with my family and have even invited some friends and distant family this year who have ignorant immediate families who have canceled Thanksgiving.
There won’t be any masks or social distancing. No talk of the wuhan flu.
Ummm, yup.
I called my parents (both in their 90s) and asked if they have a problem if I visit them. Neither said no.
I do not care whether Herr Fuhrer Polis declares a statewide lockdown.
Find me and arrest me.
BTW, if I do get arrested or served for breaking regulations, I will set up a gofundmepage and will let all of you know the URL when it does get created. That way, I can retire in the next few days, rather than actually working for the next 10 years 😛
@ NIdahoCatholic
For Earth Day I prefer to burn the insulation off all the electrical wire I’ve saved durning the year. Some of it produces real pretty colored flames.
I’m not observing the holidays until they open the border between Ontario, Canada and the U.S. where I live. I have not been able to see my mother and step dad since the initial lockdown as they live across the river from me in Ontario. This is beyond ridiculous.
If I saw either of those two commie assholes in the picture looking into my windows, they’d get to meet a real governor, in .410.
@Different Tim – I feel sorry for you. I do not know how close you are, but I can guess that you are at least frustrated, if not completely pissed off.
I know we elect these people to handle the government, but we do not intend them to completely control our lives, despite what they think.
Our Thanksgiving was Oct 12th and Hallowiener (don’t care) was obviously the 31st. There are so many free pumpkins left over that I’m going up to my farm with my son & reviewing Bordshot vs, Buckshot, vs Slugs.
Then its Beer, Bourbon and Football since Prime Minister Trud-burglar is not on the NFL. In Canuckistan he is on TV more than Kim Jong-Un in North Korea.
Another nickname: The Coward of the Cottage. His wife turfed him early during the Scamdemic and he has been living at the Prime minister’s official Cottage while she is also somewhere else. Twice the expense for Half the Testosterone!