How to Overcome the Pressure to Get a Covid Vaccine – IOTW Report

How to Overcome the Pressure to Get a Covid Vaccine

I don’t post this to shame or make fun of anyone who got the vaccine.
However, those who willingly took the shot(s) should be supporting those who have opted out because
the shot(s) for the next ‘crisis’ may be something the vaccinated will refuse themselves.
The following article gives you information on what you can do whenever NO is your answer.


Recently a friend of mine who adamantly did NOT want to get a covid vaccine, did so anyway because of pressure from her peers and her employer.

For any of you who feel pressured to get a covid jab and feel like it’s becoming impossible to say no, I’ve got your back.

Before I’m done you will:

  1. Understand why vaccine mandates and coercion are illegal.
  2. Have a practical way to converse about your decision to opt-out.
  3. Feel confident in your decision, and (I hope) feel emboldened to speak up.

Side note: In case you missed my recent article on 18 reasons I won’t be getting a covid vaccine, you might check it out if you want additional talking points beyond what’s below.


If I were an employee or student who was required or feeling coerced into getting a covid vaccine, here’s how I would strategically handle it:


Politely, and with a curious tone, ask what exemptions are in place for people who need to decline the shot?

If you get any pushback for asking that question, you can kindly say that is between you and your doctor.

Hopefully, you’ll be presented with how to file/qualify for the allowed exemptions and that will be the end of the story.

If asking for exemptions does not prove to be fruitful, here’s what I would do next.


Pharma can’t be sued for injuries or deaths caused by their vaccines, but companies, schools, and individuals that mandate them, can be.

If your institution is trying to mandate or coerce you into taking something against your will, not only is that 100% ILLEGAL (more on that below), by forcing you to take a product, they make themselves liable if you get injured or die. more here

h/t Telegram.

33 Comments on How to Overcome the Pressure to Get a Covid Vaccine

  1. If someone tries to pressure me to show proof of vaccination my preferred response is to reach into my front pants pocket (ladies can use their handbags) and pull out a bird I always have with me.

  2. The best part is, I don’t have to justify to anyone why I’ll not take the jab.
    If I am physically or financially forced by my all knowing, benevolent government, the fight is on.

  3. Simple answer. Yes. Have I been vaccinated? Many times. Mostly as a youth but later for malaria and stuff at the pentagon before heading overseas.

    Vaccinated for this political disease? If the frenzied media/political class can lie about Joe Biden being president then I can certainly fib about the red Chinese Wuhan vax. Am I to be the only person on the planet not lying about this bullshit?

    I am not the droid you’re looking for.

    Or. More kindly. Go fuck yourself asshole.

  4. @PHenry –
    1) you are a transvaxxite – you identify as somebody who has been vaccinated


    2) when there is an approved vaccine for Covid19, you’ll consider it because at this point a) it ain’t approved (emergency approval doesn’t count) and b) it ain’t a vaccine

  5. No one, nothing, can get me to take the jab. No F’ing way. I work well under pressure, people don’t work well with me under pressure, 99.9% of the time they cave. I was and still am “That Strong-Willed Person” Dr. Dobson wrote a book on it. 🙂

  6. I am not going to be disclosing my vaccine status to anyone including my doctors. People should do what they choose and thankfully my employer is in no position to ever require this of me since I work remotely alone but if they did I’d insist they sign they accept full liability for any injury. And then if they agreed to that I would still sue them for forcing me to take a dangerous, unnecessary experimental treatment that is not a vaccine, it does not stop transmission and there are toxic ingredients known to cause cancer in all of them.

  7. So a woman asked me today in my office if she could take off her mask. I said of course, make yourself comfortable, get fresh air and oxygen.

    She was very happy. Then she volunteered that she had got the vaccine. Then she said “You did too right?”

    So I said “I’m totally vaccinated”.

    Smallpox, polio, and the tetanus shot I got around 40 years ago when I stepped on that rusty nail in the pile of old wood behind the barn…

    But now I’m wondering if I did the wrong thing. Because people are susceptible to doing what the crowd is doing, right? I just didn’t feel like dealing with it since she said first that she was vaccinated.

  8. Provided you’re (a) not planning on ever leaving the country or (b) are willing to pay for a two week isolation “hold” in every country you fly to… then there’s no need for it.

  9. janitor , should have told her you got the REAL vaccine and not the fake dna damaging vaccine the public gets.

    Nothing pairs better than paranoia and stupidity.

  10. If someone asks me If I have taken the covid vaxx I ask them if they have AIDS or when was the last time they had a colonoscopy? If they are not willing to discuss their medical history/records them I am not either

  11. Flibber Toeshill May 22, 2021 at 5:13 pm

    `What can we do when the vaccinated turn into zombies?

    If you don’t have ammo and a weapon by now, I don’t know what to tell you.

  12. When asked, I just say no and let it hang there in there air. It’s up to them to say anything more.

    Various follow ups have been offered, but I just answer yes or no and let them deal with it. I’m not in preach or argument mode at this time.

    They know what the deal is and I’m not going to be shy or lie about it.

    I’m the normal one. They can freak out or be uncomfortable about it if they so choose. The day is coming, though, that I’ll request them to step back because of viral shedding and they’ll know what I’m talking about then, too.

  13. I am not in an age group where I find it necessary.

    And we do not want our teenagers getting it EITHER…

    But to each their own.

    It’s our bodies… after all… we were told for fifty fucking years. Eye roll…

    Thanks MJA for having the courage to post this extremely sensitive topic.

  14. F.D.R. in Hell MAY 23, 2021 AT 12:06 AM

    Eleanor and I would like to get the vaccine, but our veins disappeared a long time ago. Skin & muscle, too.

    That’s the spirit!

  15. I had a doctor visit last week. He asked me if I was going to get the jab and I said no. He asked why and I said that I take Vitamin C, D3, Zinc and Magnesium. He said, “That should cover it.”

    I like my doctor.


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