How to start fights at home – IOTW Report

How to start fights at home

Tucker Exposes Insanely Creepy Google Patents To Spy On You And Parent Your Kids.

Daily Caller: Fox News’ Tucker Carlson reported Tuesday on patents filed by Google that purport to show a bizarre plan to spy on you and parent your children.

“In another patent application from September 2016, Google imagines how it could take control of your parenting, your relationship with your children,” Carlson explained. “Google’s smart home system could detect children near a liquor cabinet for example, or in their parents bedroom, infer that ‘mischief is occurring’ and deliver a verbal warning.”

The Daily Caller co-founder said, “In another example, Google imagines a hypothetical child called Benjamin. Google’s cameras would be watching Benjamin at all times, carefully. They could see if he’s playing outside or using electronics, presumably they’d also try to use that information to sell him things, at some point, because that’s the whole point of Google.”

“The same patent also discusses how the smart home could coach families on ‘areas of improvement.’ For example, if a family doesn’t spend enough time together, eating together, in Google’s estimation, Google might scold them and suggest that they set a goal of eating more often together. That is Google’s description, not ours.”  Watch


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