How to stop people who hate everything we stand for from killing kids? – IOTW Report

How to stop people who hate everything we stand for from killing kids?

Make it harder for Brits to make online kitchen utensil purchases. Genius

9 Comments on How to stop people who hate everything we stand for from killing kids?

  1. …they tried something like this before, making the American Colonials break the points off kitchen knives to impair their potential use as a weapon.

    Didnt work then.

    Wont work now.

  2. Here int eh US we don’t have a gun problem.
    We have a culture problem.
    There in the UK they do not have a knife problem.
    They have a culture problem.
    The refusal to recognize means the problem will never be solved!
    It’s just that simple!

  3. One of my liberal friends angrily said he didn’t believe me when I told him how Britain was about knives and even defending oneself from a burglar may put you in jail if you harm them while they are breaking in.

    I just told him to listen to the words he used. BELIEVE, you said. These are things you can verify all on your own.

    It was a gun control conversation where he thought G.B. had it all worked out with gun control.

    They don’t.

    Several years ago, for arguments sake with a liberal twit BF of my GFs youngest daughter, I walked down the path of gun control with him and he freaked out and left.

    Let’s wave a magic wand and say guns were never invented. You don’t even need to ban them They do not exist.

    Then you’ll have bows & arrows, swords, knives, etc. Maybe even a tiny crossbow you can holster. Let’s wave the magic wand again and make them all disappear. Poof! No bladed weapons, no bows and arrows of any kind.

    Great, right? Feeling safer now?

    What are you going to do if 6 guys my size – 6ft 200+ – are walking down the street doing whatever they want. Raping, pillaging, and mayhem in general. Picking up rocks to break in your window and do what they want with you and your women. What would they have to fear if you can’t protect yourself?

    I was standing at the moment to illustrate the size & strength disparity just between us alone. Multiply that by any number but zero and you’ve got a problem without an equalizer at hand. He was 5′ 2″ 135 lbs, just as skinny as his GF. He could fit in his tiny GF’s clothes if he wanted.

    He got up and had a hurried conversation outside the front door with his GF and left immediately. No response to the question at hand.

    Because there is no sane, effective response where he wins this argument.

  4. Oh well, what the hell.

    I’ll include another one (link) that helps to understand what Dadof4 experienced along with many others of us.

    The liberal mindset or for that matter anyone refusing to look or explore facts/data is explained here. Both sides of an argument can be as wrong headed in an argument if…

    “a great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.”

    Wondering how many might see this one as the thread works its way down in the Q.

  5. The Thirty of Athens banned all edged weapons EXCEPT those carried by The Thirty’s henchmen. Guess how that turned out?

    When the Vikings were raiding the coast of France, raping and pillaging, someone suggested to the Emperor Charlemagne that the peasants be armed with pikes. Charlemagne refused on the grounds that it might make the peasants aware of their power.

    &c., &c., &c. down throughout History.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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