How to wear a pantsuit – IOTW Report

How to wear a pantsuit


Images by Getty.

23 Comments on How to wear a pantsuit

  1. Yahoo is claiming that Melania wore that pink with “pussy bow” in support of Clintoon.
    Yahoo has now officially devolved back to the original definition of “yahoo” as per Gulliver’s Travels.

  2. I’m actually going to go out on a limb and compliment Hitlery’s pant suit last night, it was very nice. However I couldn’t help but wonder why she didn’t wear her signature Zongshan suit?

  3. Hillary looked like a penguin last night. Melania on the other hand looks like a pink prick. She wore it to show what a prick Bill Clinton is and all the women sitting in the audience that Clinton is a rapist.

  4. And here I thought you guys were making up the pussybow title. It’s a real thing! Glad I googled it to find out for myself that I can actually use the term in the workplace, this should be fun.

  5. @Joe — Hideous, isn’t it? lol! The idiot who marries the crazy person who wore (wears?) it deserves his marital purgatory, don’t you think? Can you imagine the wedding photos? How awful.

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