How Trump Became the Only One – IOTW Report

How Trump Became the Only One

American Thinker:
By Leann Horrocks

Normally, when leftists want you to avoid something they don’t like, they simply ignore it.  They make sure the press doesn’t mention it, and they all yell as loudly as possible about anything else they can think of.  Not so with Donald Trump.

Leftists think the hatred they have stoked against Donald Trump is the best idea they ever came up with.  They can make a lot of people angry about anything, but anger is hard to sustain — it’s tiring.  Hatred, however…now there’s a keeper.  It lives a life of its own; it can’t be killed.  The left jumped on that horse and now it has to ride it to the end — and the horse isn’t paying attention to the rider.

The left can’t stop the sequence of events it has begun.  This is partly because it really wasn’t the idea of the useful idiots carrying this plan out; it was all part of the Great Reset, and leftists didn’t get that.  Lefties look at goals within arm’s reach, such as getting friends to like them, injecting meaning into a life without religion or belief of any kind, or getting re-elected.

So how did all this hate business start?

This hatred push was really only part of a plan.  When you look at this from 20,000 feet, the global plan included the removal of strong leaders.  It is much more difficult to lead while being positive than to simply lash out against “the other.”  Skilled and principled leaders who have a positive goal are dangerous to the Soros-Schwab-Davos-Bilderberg crowd because they can’t be controlled.  This is especially true if a leader’s positive goal is based on nationalism.  Nationalism is kryptonite to the Great Reset’s Superman. more
h/t NAAC.

10 Comments on How Trump Became the Only One

  1. It might have worked out better for this crowd if they hadn’t installed a guy who can’t even ride a bicycle.
    He didn’t win the election. He doesn’t know how to run anything. Not even his mouth.

  2. This Am Thinker piece is the best answer to Dilberts pie-in-the-sky piece that DJTrump should remake the US media and give up his ridiculous political career. Reminds me of the adage from silence of the lambs, “We covet what we know”

    Trump is not perfect but he is leading the way.

  3. Let’s not leave this out: In Trump hatred, for the first time in memory the Left found that it had a substantial number of “Republican” and “conservative” allies. (Why yes, I do use quote marks to indicate sarcasm! However did you guess? 😉)

  4. Democrats did the same with virtually all mass killings which they engineered, including the recent Buffalo shooting incident where they ordered law enforcement to stand down. All for their sole purpose of blaming it on the right, even though the Buffalo killer wrote in his diary he was devoted to the left’s ‘authoritarian rule’.

  5. Was standing at a gas pump yesterday. The guy on the other side of the pump did nothing but bitch about the price. I piped up said “at least we aren’t pumping on off or even days. I’m making the best of it, I can’t change what the price is. He then ranked on Biden, I said that the election was stolen, he said it wasn’t Trump lost fair and square. I told him then don’t bitch about the price of gas, your man won. Got in my car and left. I had the pump and a match ready to go…. He was up over $150 and his blood was boiling…

  6. We know idiot! Thats why it’s known as a cult. Equal time, oh yea, Rikers has some equal time just waiting for his sorry fat-rear. In the meantime, your cancelled forever.

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