How Trump Inspires – IOTW Report

How Trump Inspires

American Thinker: My college roommate was blind from birth.  Despite that profound handicap, he was a brilliant student of physics.  As a physics major myself, I understood what his blindness meant.  For physics is a visual subject.  The best physicists have a great ability to visualize objects in motion, fields weaving through space and time, the subtle, complex correlations of quantum mechanics.  Most of all, one must deal with the intricate notations of mathematics, the language of physics.  My roommate could do none of that in the normal way.  Somehow, he was able to build non-visual models in his imagination.  Somehow, he could hear from his reader long strings of mathematical symbols, ponder them, then dictate back new strings of symbols.  How he did this is a mystery.

Sometimes severe handicaps can differ from physical.

In the aftermath of the fall of Saigon, I knew a refugee family from Vietnam.  They spoke no English.  Sponsored by a colleague of mine, herself a refugee from communist Yugoslavia, they were temporarily sheltered in her home.  Despite their profound handicaps of language and sudden immersion in an alien culture, within a year, they had learned English and earned enough money for the down payment on a house of their own.  Their handicaps were perhaps even more disabling than physical.

What is important is not the handicap.  What is important is the human spirit that propels someone above his handicap.

There is a man who suffers from a major handicap.  His name is Donald Trump.  Perhaps Trump is handicapped because he became conservative.  And he is eccentric.  He breaks long established rules.  He appalls professional politicians and journalists – he tweets what he is really thinking! MORE

6 Comments on How Trump Inspires

  1. Donald J. Trump is more than steel.
    He is made from a very rare alloy – MIRACULUM!
    Forged and tempered to withstand the heaviest blows.
    Resistant to extreme fatique and highly corrosive environments.
    It gets stronger and tougher when stressed!
    In him it is meticulously polished to a bright red sheen.

  2. The article is on target, there were thousands of democrats, progressives, marxists, socialists and communists in the US who desired to fundamentally change America.
    Obama Failed, they failed and the Media failed.

    The democrats, socialists, et al, have taken the role as the ideological obstructionist resistance. Whether you site the budget, National security, Presidential appointees, judges, legislation, travel ban, immigration, Russian influence, dossier’, Mueller, corruption in the DOJ and FBI, DNC lawsuit and much more.

    Democrats, however, still believe that voters want “resistance” to Trump’s economic and military, government and funding successes. Democrats want to fundamentally change the US. They will find out how wrong they are in November.

  3. Through some grand divine design, a leader like Donald J. Trump comes along when the need is greatest. It is beyond fortunate that we are blessed with men of the quality of a Ronald W.Reagan and Donald J. Trump. George Washington would indeed be proud.


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