How … unexpected – IOTW Report

How … unexpected

Patriot Retort:

You know what I love about Karma? She’s got one hell of a wicked sense of humor. Take the last 24 hours in the life of Anthony Fauci. Yesterday, it was reported that Fauci would be releasing a new book Expect the Unexpected next November.

Think of it as Tony’s version of Andrew Cuomo’s book.

Okay, so the book Expect the Unexpected is announced.

Then just hours later Buzzfeed and the Washington Post both released a crap-ton of Fauci’s emails written during the early months of the Wuhan pandemic that don’t make him look so good.

Whoops. How unexpected!

The emails I’ve seen on Twitter and at different websites are really damning.

And not just the ones where Fauci is scrambling in a panic over that pesky gain of function research.

There was also some pretty damning stuff in the most, dare I say it, unexpected places as well.

Here are a couple examples tweeted by the Federalist’s Sean Davis: more

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