How Venezuela’s Socialists Unleashed America’s Fastest Growing Gang Threat – IOTW Report

How Venezuela’s Socialists Unleashed America’s Fastest Growing Gang Threat


The Tren de Aragua, the Venezuelan transnational crime syndicate now terrorizing several U.S. cities, established a firm criminal presence after socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro emptied Venezuela’s prisons in late 2023.

In recent years, the Tren de Aragua spread its presence across several Latin American countries such as Colombia, Chile, and Peru before reaching the United States, with several of its members passing through the U.S. southern border. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) began tracking Tren de Aragua encounters at the border as early as March 2023.

The gang, which originally began in 2012 as a local trade union in the eponymous state of Aragua, evolved into a full-fledged crime syndicate over the past decade under the auspices of the Maduro regime, with which it is believed to maintain deep ties. Tren de Aragua’s extensive list of crimes are believed to range from theft, homicide, extortion, contraband, and kidnapping to drug, human, and arms trafficking. more here

10 Comments on How Venezuela’s Socialists Unleashed America’s Fastest Growing Gang Threat

  1. It will be up to local citizens here to control their numbers. Which will place those guardians downrange of the gang and law enforcement. Choose your members wisely, leave the phones behind, and observe the First Rule of fight club.

  2. This is a powder keg and the fuse has been lit. As the free shit gradually gets discontinued there will be more and more of them after YOUR shit. This has the potential for total anarchy. And oh yea, turn in your legal guns before the government comes and takes them.
    When you stop and consider that 85 to 95 percent of the new arrivals are military aged fighting men this was an intentional set up by our government. Change You Can Believe In.

  3. Two men prone in the bed of a nondescript pickup truck with bipod supported AR’s with low power optics. Position the truck about a block amd a half away from the problem subjects. Put a tarp over the bed.

    Take out four problems that congregrate on the sidewalk, drive away slowly. Never use the same truck twice. Do this ten times and the gangs will relocate from that area.
    No one is coming to help. Know this. It is up to you. And your government will hate you more than the criminals they imported. Never forget this.

  4. Lowell
    Exactly. This is exactly where we are headed because it’s going to get much worse. And our government is not on our side. And don’t forget that long distance shit. Pop one off and leave. But don’t keep that weapon in your gun safe.

  5. I believe WRSA is still shut down. 6 weeks before they got their plug pulled every other story was on long range tactics. Shoot and scoot. I’m thinking they were making someone real nervous.

  6. Tren de Aragua co-opts local gangs in countries throughout Latin America, as do the Mexican cartels. It is likely that there is an alliance between Tren de Aragua and one of the cartels, probably one that Diosdado Cabello (noted puppet master and newly appointed Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace. Communists love ironic titles.) favors.

    (One of the Ecuadorian papers recently showed photos of Ecuadorian gang members on the streets of Guayaquil, and then one of the same group posing identically on a street in New York City.

    The article, iirc, said that the gangs are sending their members to the US to escape the crackdown in Ecuador. The new prisons should be coming online later this year or early next year. Of course, if a correista wins the upcoming Ecuadorian presidential election, they will no doubt house political prisoners, rather than criminals. Payback for the current administration daring to throw corrupt officials, judges and politicians in jail, and worse, keeping them there.)

    The longer the Governor of Colorado does nothing, the more brazen these thugs will become. They only respond to violence. They will kill police, security and military. They are not afraid of them. They are soldiers. They are as cruel as MS13, but much better trained and organized. They will actively recruit locally and co-opt local gangs. They will not hesitate to slaughter civilians in response to any crackdown. It is a highly successful formula in free societies.

    DHS knew what was coming and they did nothing…and they do nothing. If Trump makes it past inauguration, these thugs will be turned loose in every major Dem and limp-wristed-RINO city in the country, and many minor ones. If Kamala “wins”, an attempt will be made to control them. I don’t know if they can. They are fools to have let them in in these numbers.

    The Left tried for nearly 20 years to goad conservatives into a civil war. The closest they could come was a contrived J6. I guess they decided to import civil insurrection.

    I suppose, in the end, the crazies who lead the Left don’t care who starts the fire, as long as what has been burns, so what can be can be.

  7. “Gangs? What gangs?… You sound like a racist. Maybe you should lose your job and get professionally blackballed.”

    – Worthless Piece of Shit Scumbag democrats who deserve a Belfast Six Pack

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