How ‘Woke Theology’ is Weakening the Black Church – IOTW Report

How ‘Woke Theology’ is Weakening the Black Church

BlackCommunity News :

There is a movement afoot, particularly within black evangelical circles, to extol, if not exalt, social justice as the raison d’etre, that is, the most important reason and purpose, of the church today.

I say “particularly” because the aforementioned movement is not restricted only to the realm of black evangelicalism. The truth is there are also certain elements within white evangelicalism which, being motivated to a large extent by a collective acquiescence to the idea of “white guilt,” have attached themselves to this movement like a caboose to a locomotive.

The problem with movements, however, is they invariably beget labels (e.g. “social gospel,” “liberation theology,” etc.). And labels tend to subtly, yet ultimately, reorient our focus from that which is of utmost importance, namely, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world, in favor of adopting a socio-cultural “gospel” constructed from a worldview espoused by “woke” theologians and philosophers, who are considered by many to be the most socially and culturally aware on matters of social and liberative justice.  

Again, this mindset is not exclusive to black evangelicalism, and yet it is within that milieu that this movement, I believe, is doing the most harm to the Black Church.

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14 Comments on How ‘Woke Theology’ is Weakening the Black Church

  1. Communists in South America infiltrated the Catholic Church and converted it into a tool to promote Communism.

    Same process with the Black Christian Churches in North America.
    Black Christians’ willingness to embrace Black Islam, Farrakhan etc are reminders that it’s not about Faith. It’s all about Race.

  2. This is exactly why my entire family left the Episcopal church and go to the Anglican Church (Anglican Church of North America). The Episcopal Church lost its way many years ago with a bishop (female) who claimed that Jesus Christ was just a prophet and that there are many ways to heaven. The gay bishop and the gay weddings were just another reason.

  3. It’s not the ‘woke theology’ these people teach. (By their fruit you shall know them. Matt 7:20)
    It’s the ‘broke theology’.
    No money
    No morals
    No intellect
    These geniuses can’t even get their name correct.

  4. Social Justice = We are jealous
    of others success and demand the “gubmint” give us our share of
    that pie we didn’t work for.
    It is communist, not Christian,
    and Jesus has nothing to do with it.

  5. The US “black community” are the original gimme-gimme free shitters… relishing their role as utterly useless consumers who produce nothing but crime statistics, poor sportsmanship, and crime statistics. What’s sad is watching all the stupid ass white people following suit now.

  6. “WOKE” to a lie and blind to the Truth. Following communist doctrine in any form; black liberation theology, social justice or the new “3C” false teaching, is in opposition to the Gospel of Jesus Christ – 1 Timothy 1:3-11

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