Howard Dean attacks Tulsi Gabbard: ‘Extremely ambitious with flexible principles’ – IOTW Report

Howard Dean attacks Tulsi Gabbard: ‘Extremely ambitious with flexible principles’

AM: Howard Dean is running for chairman of the Democratic National Committee on a platform of a 50-state strategy, but that also apparently includes attacking members of his own party.

Dean didn’t think much of the news yesterday that former DNC Vice Chair and Bernie Sanders backer Tulsi Gabbard met with President-elect Donald Trump.

“Well, she’s an interesting person and the people from Hawaii basically have her tabbed as extremely ambitious with flexible principles,” Dean said on MSNBC, breaking into a laugh.

“She was a lefty for Bernie and now she’s talking about running against Mazie Hirono, who is a left-wing o liberal senator from Hawaii, so who knows what this is all about,” he added.

Dean was asked about Gabbard’s reaction to the “frank and positive” meeting with Trump, which he avoided and instead went on the attack.  more

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