Howard Dean: “I don’t consider Iran to be a Muslim country” – IOTW Report

Howard Dean: “I don’t consider Iran to be a Muslim country”

howard dean's butter teeth

I can’t take a person who brushes
his teeth with butter seriously.

JihadWatch: It isn’t that Howard Dean thinks Iran is full of Methodists. He just thinks that Islam is wonderful, and that the Islamic Republic of Iran is evil and oppressive, and so therefore it must not really be Islamic at all. How this misunderstanding of Islam has grown so strong as to be able to take over whole countries, he did not deign to explain.

PARIS — Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean told Breitbart News that “Iran is the farthest thing from an Islamic Republic” and that Iran is not “a Muslim country.”

Instead, Dean said, Iran is “a republic that’s been hijacked by thugs and murderers.” He explained that he does not know Muslims whom he respects and who behave the way the regime does.

Dean was speaking exclusively to Breitbart News from Paris last month during a conference hosted by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). The PMOI (also referred to as MEK) is an opposition movement that played an active role in overthrowing Iran’s last Shah while President Jimmy Carter was in power, and which was de-listed as a terrorist organization under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

During the interview, Dean also pointed out his belief that the term “radical Islamic terrorism” is a manufactured phrase “for political, domestic consumption in America.”

The transcript of the interview follows 


22 Comments on Howard Dean: “I don’t consider Iran to be a Muslim country”

  1. Not a problem with me, I don’t consider Howard Dean a patriotic American, either.
    I consider Dean as an ill-advised fool as he knows nothing of the terror, death and genocide at the hands of “radical islamic terrorists”.

  2. Don’t be such a toady, Howard. It makes you look desperate.
    You’ve got to act like you’re just mildly interested that cabinet position. And for heaven’s sake, don’t get paid more per speech than Hillary. She prides herself on her dollar/word ratio.

  3. Dean said, Iran is “a republic that’s been hijacked by thugs and murderers.”

    He is just confused. He meant to say: The U.S. is “a republic that’s been hijacked by thugs and murderers.”

  4. “He explained that he does not know Muslims whom he respects and who behave the way the regime does.”

    He doesn’t know a single Muslim who is developing nuclear weapons to destroy The Great Satan. Me neither.

  5. Howard Dean is a kind of a loose cannon and everytime he surfaces he’s a bit more of a f*ckup however I think he has a bit of a point here. Iran, prior to the overthrow of the Shah was a secular country whose primary religion was Islam but was also a good friend to the west and to Israel. Carter and the French backstabbed him when the Shah stopped the payoffs to the mullahs and they started to move against him. The French had protected Ayatollah Khomeini for years as a threat to hold over the Shaw and then let him go home when the mullah inspired riots reached their peak. The people of Iran now live under a dangerous and deadly theocracy based on political Islam and kept in check by a secret police far more cruel then SAVAK (Shah’s secret police) ever was. So, are they thugs and gangsters as Crazy Howard says? Yes, but they are religious driven, Islamic fundamentalist Thugs and gangsters.

  6. Dean also pointed out his belief that the term “radical Islamic terrorism” is a manufactured phrase “for political, domestic consumption in America.”
    OK, let’s all just use the term “savage islam” because it’s redundant to say “radical” and islamic”.

  7. His brain died years ago and is waiting for his body to catch up. In the meantime, his body frequently speaks from an incorrect orifice. Go away husk of a human.

  8. Yep, we know how Iran used to be back in the day- They were damn near secular- but he’s going on about how they aren’t muslims right now and he’s coming off 49% retarded.

    Same goes for Turkey. Some fool (Starts with an A, can’t remember) tried to bring them out of the 4th century and they went straight back to low-brow.

  9. Old Irish saying: “The Devil you know is better than the Devil you don’t know.” They got rid of the Shah and………..
    That saying does not hold true to Obama.

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