Howard Schultz Says He Turned Down Liz Warren Donation Request — ‘I Don’t Believe the Country Should Be Heading for Socialism’ – IOTW Report

Howard Schultz Says He Turned Down Liz Warren Donation Request — ‘I Don’t Believe the Country Should Be Heading for Socialism’

Breitbart: Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz shared Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that he refused to donate to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) when she was running for Senate.

The potential 2020 independent presidential candidate explained his decision to turn down the donation request, saying it was because Warren “believes in programs that will lead to a level of socialism in America.”

“[Warren] came to see me a few years ago and asked me for contribution for her Senate race,” Schultz stated.

MSNBC’s Willie Geist asked, “Did you give it to her?”

“I did not,” Schultz responded. “I don’t believe Elizabeth Warren is what [I stand] for. I don’t believe the country should be heading for socialism.”

He added, “I think she believes in programs that will lead to a level of socialism in America. She’s a smart woman. I respect her. This isn’t personal. I just don’t agree with her.”  watch


SNIP: Did someone from the Trump campaign hire this guy to mess with the Dems? LOL!

11 Comments on Howard Schultz Says He Turned Down Liz Warren Donation Request — ‘I Don’t Believe the Country Should Be Heading for Socialism’

  1. I think he will be the reason Trump loses his second term. If there no wall and the national debt is still out of control, people will vote for him over Trump. Those where the two main reasons people voted for Trump and after over two years there’s still no wall and the debt is climbing.

  2. “I don’t believe the country should be heading for socialism.”

    Too fucking late, asshole.
    Lying, disingenuous, mendacious, pusillanimous sack of monkey shit.
    Or he’s woefully ignorant of “political philosophy.”

    In either case, he should Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.
    16th and 17th Amendments? Ring a bell? Woody Wilson? Ring a bell?
    Nationalized healthcare under Obola? Ring a bell? Upheld as a “tax” by the Supremes? Ring a bell? Unionized teachers? Ring a bell? Public Employee Unions? Ring a bell?
    Where dafuq ya bin, dude? Oh … making $Billions off over-priced coffee while paying all those gender/queer/wymyns studies graduates a slave wage!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Howard can say this but he is still your typical Pelosi/Schumer democrat. He is still going to forward the liberal agenda, but he understands you can’t win yet being a progressive nut job. At least I hope you can’t. And he learned from 2016 that being the sane guy in the democrat field gets you under 1% (Jim Webb).

  4. Under his own corporate policies, his employees should lecture him about his privilege and not respecting a poorer white woman that identifies as a historically aggrieved minority.

    And then allow a homeless person to shoot up and take a shit in his limo.


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