Howard Stern Slams Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren: “Listen Liz, you and Karl Marx Jr. have never run anything” – IOTW Report

Howard Stern Slams Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren: “Listen Liz, you and Karl Marx Jr. have never run anything”

100% Fed up: Radio host Howard Stern slammed Bernie Sanders, saying the Vermont senator’s chances of defeating President Trump in a general election are slim to none.

Stern said he’s more worried about Sanders winning the Dem Party nomination than the coronavirus “pandemic.” He called Sanders Karl Marx Jr. and discussed the freebie policies Sanders wants to have if elected. more

15 Comments on Howard Stern Slams Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren: “Listen Liz, you and Karl Marx Jr. have never run anything”

  1. Hey Howard!! Biden hasn’t run anything either, unless of course you count on a scam to fleece everyone you can to enrich everyone in your family at taxpayer expense.

  2. Stern is nothing but shtick nonsense. Anything that sells. How did he become an authority? He knows what he’s doing on the air tho; it’s all about the moolah.

  3. The scam of socialism is finally being exposed thanks to DJT and the alternative media outlets.

    Anyone with half a brain, a whiff of common sense or a shred of decency are awaking to the destructive policies that the progressive/communists are trying to impose upon freedom loving Americans. Even Howard Stern?

  4. wrong! … Comrade Bernie, Crazy Liz & even Demented Joe are very good at running something …. running their mouths … it’s their stock-in-trade

    … diarrhea of the mouth salesmen … you lying dog-faced horse-asses

    btw, loved Stern when he was on DC101 … listened to him religiously

  5. Stalin said Socialism is the first step toward Communism.
    This far, no farther.
    Don’t like Stern, but I like anybody who calls a Communist Bastard a Communist Bastard

  6. Biden has been accused of being a pedophile and he has presented zero evidence that he is not. He has also been accused of being corrupt with regard to Ukraine and he has presented zero evidence that he is not.

    Joe Biden has not been exonerated.


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