Howie Carr: Andrew Cuomo’s just the latest horrible Kennedy in-law – IOTW Report

Howie Carr: Andrew Cuomo’s just the latest horrible Kennedy in-law

Howie Carr:

Have you ever noticed how the females in the Kennedy family so often seem to find the absolute worst men to hook up with — mates who turn out to be mirror images of the horrible, sleazy, philandering, domestic-abusing males the Kennedy women grew up with.

The latest example of a typical Kennedy in-law is “embattled” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who used to be married to Kerry Kennedy, one of RFK’s daughters.

But Cuomo is only the most recent in a long line of cads, bounders and lowlifes who have bedded Kennedy gals — Peter Lawford, Steve Smith, Arnold Schwarzenegger, among others.

They all had one thing in common: While married to Kennedy women, they were touching everything but the third rail.

What was the attraction for these Kennedy women? more

9 Comments on Howie Carr: Andrew Cuomo’s just the latest horrible Kennedy in-law

  1. The cops tackled a 65 yr old woman in Tx for not wearing a mask in a bank that required masks.

    The same cops would no doubt hide someplace if blm was looting a store.

    I wish conservatives would get over the ‘back the blue’ baloney. They are not our friends. They are the gestapo for the communist left.

    Fk the po-lice.

  2. I see Gov. Cum-on issues as a much needed Deflection/Distraction for the Harris/Pelosi Administration. Drawing attention away from its increasing abuses of the Bill Of Rights and failure to adhere to US Law.

  3. Are they attracted to crappy men, or do they drive the men insane?
    One thing’s for sure – Kennedy women are ugly, inside and out.

    What looks good on a man doesn’t necessarily look good on a woman – a beard, for instance – or shaggy eyebrows – or that distinctive Kennedy look.

    Think Ted in drag … ugh …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I’m not a doctor(unlike Jill!!!)nor a psychiatrist, but the Kennedy clan is alot like the European ruling class in my opinion. They committed incest to keep the bloodline “pure”. That would lead to all sorts of mental issues. Again, just an opinion.

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