Howie Carr: Let’s Try To Keep Track Of The Democrat Lies – IOTW Report

Howie Carr: Let’s Try To Keep Track Of The Democrat Lies

Howie Carr Show: When you consider how many big lies the Democrat media have been spouting over the last few years, do any particular whoppers come to mind?

This week, the poster boy for the Big Lie was Michael Avenatti.

Remember the creepy porn lawyer, as Tucker Carlson called him.

Michael Avenatti was going to bring down former President Donald Trump. He was the lawyer for Julie Swetnick, who had accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, and Stormy Daniels, a porn star who said she had an affair with Trump. Avenatti had the goods on Trump. He might even be the next president — so said CNN. During his brief moment in the alt-left spotlight, Avenatti appeared on network and cable television 254 times.

Then he was indicted by multiple federal grand juries, for extortion and embezzlement. Last week Avenatti was sentenced to 30 months in prison. He cried like a baby. He faces more criminal trials next year in New York and Los Angeles.

Would you care to guess how much time the Democrats on TV devoted to the disgrace of their erstwhile idol?

On the three network newscasts, Avenatti’s sentencing got a total of 17 seconds — all on ABC.

Nothing to see here, folks, move along. more here

10 Comments on Howie Carr: Let’s Try To Keep Track Of The Democrat Lies

  1. productive an endeavor as counting unicorns

    Can I get a prayer circle together to call down a case of ants in the pants for they who are responsible for taking away our edit feature?

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