How’s the weather treating you? – IOTW Report

How’s the weather treating you?


DC cherry blossom viewers may be met by 18 inches of snow.

The National Park Service predicts that this weekend will be peak cherry blossom time. But good luck on getting to see it.


Snowfall Across Upper Midwest Shatters Previous Records.

Also bracing for record cold.

For example of the shattered record, Wausau, Wisconsin’s new record of 9.3 inches was almost double the previous record of 5.6 inches set in 1923.


A rare April snowstorm blankets the New York City metro area with up to a half a foot (15 cm) of snow. The snow created hazardous travel conditions during the morning rush hour.


Record cold in Stockholm.

Temperatures dropped sharply on recent nights on the Scandinavian Peninsula.

On April 3, Stockholm showed a record low temperature of -7.9°C, beating the previous record of -6.6C set in 1961.

Daytime temperature yesterday, April 3, rose to +7°C, which was 2.5 degrees below the climatic norm. It was even colder in Oslo, in the afternoon rising to +6.1°C.


Record cold in Minnesota.

In Fairmont, Minnesota, the mercury dropped to 6 degrees.



23 Comments on How’s the weather treating you?

  1. Shit I love snow ❄️ we suppose to get snow Friday late until Saturday I’m hopping that we get a lot in Maryland. To keep the negros at home in Baltimore that way no one died

  2. 78 on Little Torch Key…With a 100% chance of noseeums and at

    least two Genetically Modified Mosquito’s ( 30 pounds each )

    and are wearing Gang colors (The Bloods of course 😉 )

  3. It snowed about 5″ last night. Imagine my surprise when I got up this morning. But, thankfully, the sun came out and it warmed up a tad. And I never had to bother shoveling because it melted on its own.

  4. Yesterday was cool and 50 miles wind 💨 but know snow ❄️ supposed to be coming. The Maryland idiots will be running to the supermarket to buy toilet paper, milk,bread.

  5. Cold very windy from the north and lots of snow the past two days. Staying cold and forecast snow tomorrow and Saturday. Today was cold but sunny – just not enough to melt too much of the white stuff.

    Love the north, love the seasons, but I am getting pretty tired of the cold this year.

  6. Midwest Michigan had some snow the last two days, less then one inch, but WINDY! Sunny today and near 40, so it’s all melted away.

    Daffodils and tulips are just peaking out. Can’t wait for them to bloom. I miss having a yard, but maybe next year.

  7. Monday was kind of cold but clear, yesterday gorgeous and then … snow! Today someone walked into the office saying how in contrast to yesterday it’s like summertime out there. At 42 (F), it deffo is and I’m going to enjoy every minute of it on my walk tonight!

  8. As an Insurance Adjuster, I am sick of Arizona’s timid weather this winter.
    I’m gonna make me some Indian friends, and see if I can appropriate a ‘thunderstorm with damaging hail and straight line winds dance’
    Warm and miserably sunny… every damn day

  9. As an Insurance Adjuster, I am sick of Arizona’s timid weather this winter.
    I’m gonna make me some Indian friends, and see if I can appropriate a ‘thunderstorm with damaging hail and straight line winds dance’
    Warm and miserably sunny… every damn day


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