Hoyer joins Pelosi in not running for Democratic leadership but will remain in House – IOTW Report

Hoyer joins Pelosi in not running for Democratic leadership but will remain in House


House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, the second ranking Democrat in the chamber, announced on Thursday he will not seek re-election to the Democratic leadership team in the new Congress.

The Maryland Democrat’s announcement follows House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision to remain in Congress and not seek the role of Democratic leader.

“I have decided not to seek elected leadership in the 118th Congress – it is time for me to continue my service in a different role,” Hoyer, 83, said in a statement. “I intend to return to the Appropriations Committee to continue my work focusing on education, health care, and our workers.”

Hoyer was first elected to the House in 1981. MORE

14 Comments on Hoyer joins Pelosi in not running for Democratic leadership but will remain in House

  1. When I come home at night I feel like I’ve accomplished something. One of my fav old movie lines comes from ride the high country when Joel McCrea tells Randolph Scott “I just want to enter my home feeling justified”.
    I seriously doubt if there’s a Democrat Libtard that knows what that feels like.

  2. Just die already, Steny.
    You’ve stolen more than you could ever spend.
    And your “service” was all about serving Mammon.

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die – you’re a stain upon humanity – the sooner you die the sooner the air will be a tad clearer.
    Oh, yeah, take Rancid Nan with ya!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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