Hoyer Warns of ‘Further Action’ Against Ilhan Omar if ‘Hate’ Continues – IOTW Report

Hoyer Warns of ‘Further Action’ Against Ilhan Omar if ‘Hate’ Continues

Breitbart: House Majority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said Wednesday that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) could face “further action” from Democrat leaders if she continues expressing prejudiced views.

Asked by reporters about antisemitic statements made by Omar and fellow freshman congresswoman Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Hoyer replied, “Congresswoman Omar apologized,” adding that “the real test is the actions on the floor.”

“We need to treat one another with respect and without language that would refer to any kind of interpretation of bigotry, prejudice, or hate,” he continued. “We’ll continue to pursue and advocate for that, and very frankly, if that doesn’t pan out, there may be further action we would take.”

The Maryland Democrat did not elaborate on how leadership could punish lawmakers for racism.

Omar apologized Monday for tweets suggesting the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) pays Republican members of Congress to support Israel. “Anti-Semitism is real and I am grateful for Jewish allies and colleagues who are educating me on the painful history of anti-Semitic tropes. My intention is never to offend my constituents or Jewish Americans as a whole,” the Minnesota Democrat claimed in a statement. “We have to always be willing to step back and think through criticism, just as I expect people to hear me when others attack me for my identity. This is why I unequivocally apologize.”

Omar then went on to criticize AIPAC once more, calling their so-called “role” in American politics “problematic.”

She failed to note in her apology that the pro-Israel org does not make financial contributions to candidates.


17 Comments on Hoyer Warns of ‘Further Action’ Against Ilhan Omar if ‘Hate’ Continues

  1. Doesn’t “further action” imply that some action has already been taken? What did they do, write her a sternly worded letter? Get very, very angry with her? Ooooh. I’m sure she’s really scared.

  2. Dems get almost all the Jewish votes without trying, the same as blacks. Having a hard core Jew hating Muslim married to her brother openly practicing Islam exposing what Islam is and threatening their sure thing voter base needs to be dialed down but they are a-okay with it, just not getting any media attention. These darn freshmen just don’t get it yet.

  3. She won’t be able to stop herself. Jew hating muzzies are like dope addicts. They can’t resist their base desires. This will be fun watching her apologists trying to clean up after her in the coming months.

  4. Her conduct on the house committee questioning that ambassador the other day was beyond shameful;

    Omar- “Let me start off by saying that I do not believe a word you are saying, but I want to know, yes or no, do you approve of that massacre in Venezuela?”

    Ambassador- “Since you do not believe anything I say, why bother asking me any questions, isn’t that the epitome of stupidity?”

    Omar- “Answer the question, yes or no?”

    Ambassador- “Thanks for the confirmation”

    If only.

  5. The incest queen of Islam is making the Left cringe because they’re so hopped up on their diversity shtick, it’s got them cornered attempting to defend the likes of Omar. The world now sees the American Left includes the most tyrannical, racist lunatics in existence. Bad form for the moderates and old guard elite Demwits. Pass the popcorn.

  6. Omar could behead a Jewish Republican representative on C-SPAN and she’d still retain her seat in congress. This could have been nipped in the bud the first day this America-hating islamic jihadist stepped foot in the house. The correct response was, “Take that damn filthy, sweaty, 7th century oppression rag off your filthy head or we’ll have you forcibly ejected from this chamber. This is the United States, not Mohammedstan.”
    But of course, everyone bent over backwards to appease this anti-Semitic animal so now we’ve got this for the rest her lifetime term.


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