Hubby Vision – IOTW Report

Hubby Vision

22 Comments on Hubby Vision

  1. Engine oil light is never on until the hubby glasses reveal it has actually been on for the last 1000 miles and dipstick is bone dry.
    The hubby glasses also affect the hearing so now she hears the main bearing knock that has been getting progressively worse since the light first came on.

  2. Sigh… if someone could just invent Hubby Hearing.

    (Has anyone else reached the stage in marriage where neither spouse remembers what the other just said two minutes ago?)

  3. @AbigailAdams:
    Oh dear Lord, YES to inventing Hubby Hearing! Mr. Vixen has an acute case of Selective Hearing in addition to not recalling what I said a couple minutes prior about what he actually chose to hear. Interesting times at my house….

  4. There are elements of truth but overall it’s more of the incessant modern depiction of doofy useless husband and all-wise, ever-sacrificing wife. Gillette could be producing this ad, the aim’s the same — men AS MEN are the root of all problems.

  5. @grool — Vive la difference! Maybe some could look at it that way, but there really is a (big) difference — at least anecdotally — that men and women see/hear things so differently. Sometimes I think Geoff C. has dementia or is speaking Martian. Truly.

  6. AA,

    I’m hip. It’s been 20 years and my wife and I still find ourselves being misunderstood too frequently for comfort. I suspect we both are assuming we know each other so very well that we can predict what the other’s going to say/do…and sometimes we’re wrong. It’s a flaw we’re working on fixing. Now I just say, “Pretend I’m six and say that again.”

  7. @grool — Nail meet hammer! haha! Yes, we’re working on exactly the same thing, here. The one thing I can’t stand is him saying “No!” before I’ve even explained what I’m talking about! At least extend the courtesy of hearing my cockamamie idea before you blurt out “No!”

    Or this one:
    him: What time tomorrow (to be somewhere)?
    me: 2:00.
    him: I thought you said 2:30?
    me: No, I told you 2:00.
    him: I thought you said 2:30?
    me: No, I never said 2:30.
    him: I’m pretty sure you said 2:30.
    me: Stop. I never, ever said 2:30.
    him: Well, that’s what I heard, 2:30.

    Besides being incredibly irritating, now he has repeated “2:30” to himself about a dozen times and I’ve said “2:30” half a dozen times. Guess what time he still thinks we have to be there?

  8. AA,

    You know I love you in a IOTW kinda way, but there you go again, still making it out to be mainly his fault! WE ARE MEN but we CAN change…if we have to…I guess…

    (but women need to do some changin’ too, oh, about 50% of the time)


  9. Pretty funny video. The wife and I communicate pretty well, but we work together too. We can finish each other sentences. However those glasses would occasionally come in handy. And I’ll freely admit I’m the one that should be wearing them.

  10. @Anon @2:34:
    Tried Schick ONCE. Cut my face so badly that I called them, demanded and got a refund.

    Ditched Gillette a few years ago for Dorco – haven’t looked back.

  11. TommyBoy,

    Yep, Dorco’s double edge blades are decent and cheap; Gillette has pretty much eliminated all DE blades from North American retail sales so Dorco (and a few others) fill that void. I’m a huge fan of Dorco’s Trac II/Atra type cartridges; they shave as well as current Gillette T-IIs but at 1/8th the price.


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