HUD official Lynne Patton to CNN: “stop being a lazy internet parrot” – IOTW Report

HUD official Lynne Patton to CNN: “stop being a lazy internet parrot”

DC— U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development official Lynne Patton accused CNN of lying on Thursday night and posted audio tape on Friday she says proves it.

CNN posted a tweet Thursday saying Patton “has the president’s blessing to follow in his footsteps as a reality TV star, even as she serves as a high-ranking federal housing official.”

The tweet included a link to a story detailing Patton’s potential appearance on a “still-developing show about black Republicans.”

Patton herself, from her personal Twitter account, responded directly to CNN’s tweet within an hour of its posting.

“1) I never said I had the “President’s blessing” for this project.  I said the exact OPPOSITE – and have it on tape.  Seeking approval from various family members & POTUS are 2 different things.  Stop conflating for click-bait headlines. 2) NOR am I committed to project #FakeNews,” Patton tweeted.

[…] “Newsflash: I also didn’t plan Eric Trump’s wedding. With all due respect, stop being a lazy internet parrot, @RaySanchezNYC. It takes two seconds to google his ACTUAL wedding planners’ names from a 2014 @people article – TWO YEARS BEFORE ELECTION. ???? Or did you source @Wikipedia?” she tweeted, tagging Ray Sanchez, one of the authors of CNN’s story.  MORE HERE

5 Comments on HUD official Lynne Patton to CNN: “stop being a lazy internet parrot”

  1. Fake news all day long parrots the line, “Bill Shine abruptly resigns as Trump’s communication director”. They purposely leave out why he is quitting: TO JOIN TRUMP’S CAMPAIGN TEAM. These people are stupid and evil.

    Shit like this, Abilio, is why you got your press room soapbox kicked out from under you. GFY.


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