HuffPo Writer Destroys Hillary’s New Book In Review – IOTW Report

HuffPo Writer Destroys Hillary’s New Book In Review



Huffington Post published a highly critical review Wednesday of Hillary Clinton’s new book, “What Happened?”

“Clinton can write a book if she wants, and nobody gets to stop her. They’re not wrong. She has every right to write a book about the election. But not this book. Nobody should ever be allowed to write a book like this,” Sam Kriss writes.

Kriss continues, “She’s not trying to be honest or readable; Clinton is still desperate for you to support her campaign. Everything she writes feels metallic in the mouth, weightless and inauthentic.”

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24 Comments on HuffPo Writer Destroys Hillary’s New Book In Review

  1. Wasn’t planning on reading it anyway, but dayumn !
    I don’t think it would even make TP, already has shit on the sheets.
    Maybe Amazon needs to quit taking down those one stars.

  2. She never wrote a book in her life, I’d say even her infamous, ever elusive thesis, if it exists all, was not hers. Shes a usurpative mimic with the personality of a dead flashlight battery.

  3. Lies, lies, and more lies. The Hildabeast is truly a vile and evil creature. The deaths in Benghazi due to her failures as a SOS, the secret e-mail server to skirt FOIA requests and do dirty deals on the side outside of governmental scrutiny, the illegal campaign contributions to the Clinton Foundation, just how much more corrupt can she be?

    If you support or voted for the Hildabeast, you are just as bad as she is. Not a fellow American.

  4. Don’t care about Hillary’s book. Don’t care about Hillary. She’s being slowly consumed by her own anger while locked in the personal prison that she built for herself. Whatever few days that she has will be spent living in misery. I can live with that….

  5. HRC is always looking for that bigger and better deal. That is her biggest motivation. A ruthless con. A truthless con. A criminal con. Seems to run in the family. And they are not alone. So many criminals, so little justice. What a weird life we live, with all these yayhoos passing laws to protect themselves from us. And of course the never ending fleecing of the masses. Public servants. The best con of them all. Actually, I guess the fed reserve bank is really the king of cons. And their debt based phony money. The cruelty and greed is mind blowing.

  6. I accidentally saw about a minute of Chuck Todd this morning.
    They are going full court press against Trump being a racist, his calling out of NFL players disrespecting the flag and the country.

    Welcome to NO NFL Sunday. Teach them a lesson people.

  7. If you look closely, President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton (the Enevitable One Brought Down By Macedonian Content Farmers) is beginning to show definite signs of Stigmata on her body from being overwhelmed with Deplorable Emotions. Chardonnay and vodka are being prescribed as an antidote to lessen the pain associated with these symptoms of despair from being twice denied her destiny.

  8. Read the review. And one line jumped out for me. ” It’s like a self-care book written by a serial killer.”

    Haaah,hahahahahah! Snort! Choke! Roll on the floor! That right there was just TOO DAMN GOOD!

  9. At what point do we see the bankruptcy of the publishing companies who pay leftist liars like Hillary and the Obamas tens of millions for door stop propaganda books nobody buys?

    Who is backstopping the publishing companies and why?

  10. I can’t bring myself to click over to Huff & Puff so please, someone tell me, did the article end with “But we still love the smartest, funniest, most qualified human (other than Obama) to run for president?”

  11. Lowell, the one that struck me was when a friend gave her some origami birds which were supposed to bring her good luck if she hung them up inside her house. So she hangs them outside on the porch. It’s like she’s always got to do things her way, and it’s always the wrong way. They gave her a secure network at State, and she puts it out on her porch. They gave her security personnel to put inside the Benghazi annex, and she puts them out on her porch. Our big mistake is putting her out on the porch, instead of in prison.

  12. @Third, from what I can discern, the security for the Benghazi mission was a third rate romance, a low rent rendezvous, at a no tell hotel.
    There was no security because the competent security were Patriots.

  13. I can’t get over how much I’m enjoying this Clintonian trauma. Every day brings forth another affirmation of how horrible this woman would have been if she had managed to get elected. Her time as Secretary of State should have been enough to disqualify her, except the Democrats can’t handle the truth.

  14. Someone out there is claiming record sales. Since what she’s gotten away with in the past is a good indicator of what she’s up to now, you can be sure Soros and his ilk bought tens of thousands and sent them straight to the recycler. Even Venezuelans, who can’t get toilet paper, say they don’t want her book.

  15. Marco, You are right as rain: “Her time as Secretary of State should have been enough to disqualify her,”. Truth is , IT WAS MORE THAN ENOUGH to disqualify her. In the real world. In the Pre-Obama America we all knew and loved. In the once-upon-a-time era of Law and Order, Justice for All! But sadly not so much in today’s POST OBAMA America. This Nation, We the People, will wear these indelible Demoncrat stains forever.

  16. I read somewhere this AM that 167,000 copies had been sold. Just wondering how many were burned, torn apart or otherwise destroyed. Don’t know if that included the audio book which should be avoided at any/all cost!

    That voice–uuugghh!–that voice!!!

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