HUGE: The UK Just Dumped China’s Huawei in 5G Tech Roll-Out — Citing its Lies Over Coronavirus – IOTW Report

HUGE: The UK Just Dumped China’s Huawei in 5G Tech Roll-Out — Citing its Lies Over Coronavirus

PJ Media:

Western democracies, especially the United States, just heaved a huge sigh of relief after getting word that United Kingdom PM Boris Johnson is dropping the controversial Chinese tech company, Huawei, as the nation’s provider of 5G infrastructure.

Although Johnson was in support of the Chinese tech giant laying the non-sensitive portions of 5G infrastructure, he said China’s lack of transparency about coronavirus made the communist-run country untrustworthy.

President Trump, Attorney General William Barr, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and members of the so-called  “Five-Eyes” countries that share intelligence information, brought huge pressure on the Brits to dump Huawei. The U.S. pressed hard for the UK to dump Huawei because of widespread speculation that China would use the 5G infrastructure to spy and use the remote command structure for blackmail.

Senator Ted Cruz has said that if the UK used Huawei it would be next to impossible to share intelligence information with the ally. read more

17 Comments on HUGE: The UK Just Dumped China’s Huawei in 5G Tech Roll-Out — Citing its Lies Over Coronavirus

  1. If everything is framed in Western National Security (as well it should be) China will be well and truly screwed! Don’t think for a moment that a Chinese based 5G network wouldn’t be used as the worlds largest information siphon by these back-stabbing Commies!

  2. I wish the United States could build our own 5G network if in fact it is safe and we need it. Create more jobs for ourselves and less dependency on questionable foreign Countries.

  3. I remember a story I once heard. Mussolini was hosting a parade for Hitler. They were standing on a balcony watching Benito’s troops march by in Hitler’s honor. One problem; the troops couldn’t stay in step with each other. Later that day Mussolini complained to one of his ministers that ‘Italy was a nation of waiters’.

    China trying to be a trustworthy high-tech infrastructure partner is Xi’s Mussolini moment; ‘China is a nation of cut-throat businessmen’. To those businessmen there’s no such thing as morals or trust, just commodities to be gathered and sold.

  4. Imagine the swearing coming out of Borris Johnson’s mouth between fits of coughing and gasping for air!

    Pay the motherfuckers back ten fold by isolating the communists!

    Turdeau, on the other hand, remains bent over with face in pillow presenting his hind quarter.

  5. This is what it took for the UK to get its head out of its ass?

    Seems like there’s more to the story – like corruption. Maybe UK officials were bribed by the Chi-Comms to buy this garbage, but the China Flu gave the more sensible ones an out.


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