Hugh Hefner Filled A Casket With Sex Tapes And Had It Dumped It Into Ocean – IOTW Report

Hugh Hefner Filled A Casket With Sex Tapes And Had It Dumped It Into Ocean

DC: Hugh Hefner reportedly filled a cement-lined casket full of his personal sex tapes and had the whole thing dumped into the Pacific Ocean before his death last September.

“Hugh [Hefner] was terrified of the world finding out everything about his past. He had kept a treasure chest of memories of his life with all these beautiful women dating back from the 1950s to the mid-1990s,” an insider revealed about the late Playboy founder to The Sun Friday.

“He only shared a few of the stories with his aides, but kept his personal items of his time with many famous beauties a secret,” the source added. “There [were] a batch of tapes, shot on 8 mm and cinefilm, which were filmed during some of the orgies he enjoyed in the 70s.”

The insider continued, “Some famous male movie stars, too, were in those videos and, had that come out, it would have been a huge scandal. Hef also had thousands of photographs taken at photo shoots or given to him by the girls over the years.” more

28 Comments on Hugh Hefner Filled A Casket With Sex Tapes And Had It Dumped It Into Ocean

  1. “He didn’t trust people to burn them in case they got stolen, so he charged Joe [Piastro] with getting rid of them in the ocean. Joe had been his trusted head of security for years and had saved Hugh from many embarrassing situations in the past.”

    That right there doesn’t make sense. Contradictory.

  2. Yeah, dead guys are scandalized all the time.
    The “Geezer-Sex-Lolla-Pallooza?”

    Can’t imagine anyone really giving a damn.
    Most people may not want to think about it, but our grand-parents and great-grand-parents played “hide the sausage,” too. Nothing new under the Sun – just advertised more.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Solomon enjoyed more women, wealth and comfort than Hefner ever dreamed of and was thoroughly disillusioned despite it all. Hef is disillusioned now, for sure. Too late for him to do anything about it.

  4. The difference being that Solomon saw that everything was meaningless despite all the wealth and sex with all his concubines and wives which is something Hef never figured out. Hef thought he had it at all but he really didn’t have squat, no wonder he was disillusioned. My pastor is currently preaching on Ecclesiastes and everything is meaningless and futile without God.


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