Hugh Hewitt Gets Weekend Show…. On MSNBC – IOTW Report

Hugh Hewitt Gets Weekend Show…. On MSNBC

DC: MSNBC is signing conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt to his own weekend show, the network announced Thursday.

The show will be self titled and will air on Saturdays at 8 a.m. with the inaugural episode set for June 24th.

MSNBC is known for hiring liberal anchors and commentators as well as being a soundboard for current Democratic politicians. The hiring of Hewitt could signal a change in the direction of their programming as he is known to be an outspoken conservative catholic.

Hewitt is also know for pointing out liberal media bias on his nationally syndicated radio program, “The Hugh Hewitt Show.” This has led some commentators to scratch their heads over MSNBC’s choice to give him his own show.  read more

17 Comments on Hugh Hewitt Gets Weekend Show…. On MSNBC

  1. Maybe they’re trying to shift a bit toward the middle to take advantage of the clown show that’s going on over at Fox now that Murdoch’s lefty kids are taking over. Not a bad stratagy if they want to build audience and revenue.

  2. I know little about Hewitt, but isn’t he a RINO NeverTrumper in the Beck mode?
    Seen him a few times on Lefty CNN panels and he sounded like a natural for MSNBC.

    8 AM on Saturday mornings, for Millenial snowflakes ?
    Talk about a “graveyard shift”.

  3. Hugh is on the radio when I go to work in the morning. Over the last year or two I noticed he started pulling his punches with lib guests on his show and he was cozying up to more and more MSM types.

  4. Hugh gave all the typical dog-whistle sounds for “I’m an ass in elephants clothing”.
    Time will tell, but I’m still willing to say 5 will get you 20 he is a Lib who just happened to master the “I bet I can get a bunch of money with this schtick”. Sort of like Arianna Huffington and Joe Scarborough use to be such staunch conservatives, being great members of the Republican Party in good standing.

  5. The Conservative market is much less crowded, an under-served audience, and generally easier to pretend to be a Big Frog in a small pond.

    Beck. Erickson. All the forgettable Never Trumpers. And fake news sellouts like Noonan, Brooks etc.

    None of these half-talents would make it as straight Leftist voices. We despise them, but for the Lo-Fo’s, none of these milktoast RINOs have the sheer evil energy of a Maddow or Van Jones.

  6. I bet Sweaty Thumb is right behind him. The Nevertrumpers may be plotting a silent coup at MSNBC.
    Can you imagine Kristol, Medved, Podhoretz, Erickson and Hewitt all damn day?

  7. Oh jeez, Hugh is alright. Jeezel. What test of purity should I pass in order to post as a conservative? He makes me mad some times – but that is called people of opposing view points disagreeing. Doesn’t mean he’s a RINO. THIS is why I don’t post much any more….the Right can get as rabid as the Left.

  8. I sometimes listen to Hewitt in the morning – then quickly turn it off. The only time I look forward to listening to him is on Friday’s when he has Larry Arnn on (from Hillsdale college). Mr. Arnn is such a wealth of knowledge. I take their online classes now and then. Did the Constitution 101 and thoroughly enjoyed it.

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