Huh… – IOTW Report

15 Comments on Huh…

  1. I hope the U.S. doesn’t have a tariff on Canadian brains. Any Canadian smart enough to want out of that communist shit-hole should be welcomed with open arms so long as they stop drinking Canuck beer.

  2. It’s just not those crazy Canuks. Why do you think Trump is ignoring the EU? When our Reciprocal Tariffs go into effect Europe’s economy is toast. So is China’s. Japan will get hit hard. Expect Global Instability. This is going to be a painful correction. But they just can’t keep living off of our tax dollars and that’s essentially what’s been going on right after WWII. Sorry folks, the free ride is over.
    Who want have their economy turned upside down? Russia. Maybe that’s why Trump talking to the AND NOT THE EUROWEENIES.

  3. Any beer including crap beer like San Miguel in the Philippines tastes better when you’ve had 7 or eight of them. By then you’re too drunk to care what it tastes like and generally sicker than a dog as well. Which is why I quit drinking to excess years ago.

  4. The Outer Limits of Totalitarianism. (there are no limits)
    Do not try to adjust the economy. We control the horizontal and vertical. We control the ability to change the focus, make the economy flutter, or expand it to crystal clarity. We control the shape the citizen’s vision to anything they can imagine. Ultimately we control how much we steal from you!
    Communism 101.

  5. …I also did some programming for local company that had been bought out by Recochem in Canada, and they were a quirky bunch, very controlling, but also very socialist when it came to their employees. Not big on giving people who do extra a reason to continue doing so, and not especially invested in investing. Sold it off after a couple of years, never really did much other than making them use Canadian suppliers, which sometimes made for some pretty wasteful logistics…

  6. “…I also did some programming for local company that had been bought out by Recochem in Canada”

    I’ve been burned twice by customers on a handshake deal. One was a Mormon run outfit, the other a Canadian. We do a few things our competitors can’t. They both tried to re kindle the flame. It was a pleasure telling them to fuck off.


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