Huh? Gov. Cuomo Calls Coronavirus the “European Virus” – IOTW Report

Huh? Gov. Cuomo Calls Coronavirus the “European Virus”

Speaking at his daily press conference, Gov. Cuomo bizarrely declared: “Yes we have more cases than anyone else. Yes we had this European virus attack us and nobody expected it. But we’re not only going to change our trajectory, we’re going to change the trajectory more dramatically than any place else in the nation.”


23 Comments on Huh? Gov. Cuomo Calls Coronavirus the “European Virus”

  1. @MJA MAY 12, 2020 AT 1:28 PM
    He’s going to start wearing a beauty queen sash over his see-through polo shirts.

    With “Miss China” printed on it..

  2. Here in Wisconsin, the China Virus began back in October, two weeks after the state sponsored International Dairy Expo where vendors from Wuhan China attended. Two weeks after the conference many attendees started coming down with severe respiratory virus symptoms that reflected the china virus symptoms which lasted months. At that point in time Europe was not yet infected.

  3. Don’t know much about history
    Don’t know much about geography
    Don’t know much biology
    Now I’ve been told that one & one is two
    And I’ve told you that I love you
    If you just stay home and listen to me
    What a wonderful world this would be

    [my apology to Sam Cooke and every other artist who recorded different versions of the song]

  4. He should have checked with Matilda first before blaming on her Motherland! Italy, The Boot of Europe.

    We all know how this started. The Italian government made a decision to get into bed with the CCP some years ago. ‘Open Borders’ ya see, for the sake of having a ‘work force’ that the regular Italian citizen won’t do. It’s below them to work in a factory when the socialistic gubmint is provide providing anyway? Look what it got them AND us, now.

    Milan has a large population of Chinese immigrant factory workers to make…high fashioned label clothing…Where did the clothing and the immigrants go back and forth to? WHUHAN PROVINCE for the WhuHan Games, October 2019 go look up the amount of participating countries that play in the WhuHan Games.

    It’s still a puzzle…treat it as such.

  5. Ghost – 100% correct!

    Instead of societies allowing themselves to be underemployed;

    “There are some jobs an _____________ (insert western world ethnicity) will not do, we must bring in Migrant Workers.”

    How about, get to work, move out of your parents house, and leave Grandma’s pension alone!

    The Swiss do not have this problem.



    This has been the case in Italy for decades. This is why I DO NOT talk to my relatives from there.

  6. @Kcir – don’t feel too bad, I have relatives who have ‘removed’ me from communication, a sister and a nephew (from a different sister!), because I support ‘a cunty’ (thanks @Richard Cranium!) grabbing guy’?! And I am from a large family. YET they supported a cigar ‘insert THERE’ president?? Yeah. I don’t fucking get it either.

    Don’t worry about them you have iOTW! And I bet your other friends to rely on? Right?

    YOU know what is right, what is wrong and what is Very wrong.



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