Huma Abedin’s Emails Provide Further Evidence Of Clinton Pay For Play Scandal – IOTW Report

Huma Abedin’s Emails Provide Further Evidence Of Clinton Pay For Play Scandal

— In one particularly blatant example of nefarious activity, Miguel Lausell, a Puerto Rican Telecom executive and donor of over $1 million to the Clinton Library, requested through Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band that a specific candidate be considered for the U.S. ambassadorship to Puerto Rico. The following day in April 2009, a Clinton aide passed Lausell’s message to Clinton’s special assistants and instructed them to “make sure there is a response.” It remains unclear whether the person in question received the ambassadorship as the name is redacted…

Huma Abedin’s Emails Provide Further Evidence Of Clinton Pay For Play Scandal

23 Comments on Huma Abedin’s Emails Provide Further Evidence Of Clinton Pay For Play Scandal

  1. I am shocked and amazed at the very idea that a Southern gentleman like Bill Clinton would assume that favors would have to be returned for donations.

    Mr. Clinton has always been above the board… the head board that is…

  2. What is it going to take Sessions to start/finish an actual investigation of Clintons’ time in office, The foundation, the Library the whole rotten enterprise that is Hillary Clinton? In the meantime nobody seems to care that for a year no evidence (that hasn’t been shown to be manufactured) that the Russians interfered in 2016 nuch less conspired with the Trump campaign to win has been found or that the Special Prosecutor seems to be only hiring Democrat Party members or donor lawyers who likely hate Trump? The mind boggles.

  3. The Clintons have never been nothing but high tech grifters. Whats troubling is how nobody seems to ever do anything about it. We have to watch this go on all throughout government and rarely is anyone ever brought to justice. I see no reason to hope the Clintons ever will.

  4. There’s corruption on the left
    Only limp-dicks on the right
    There’s a leak of national secrets
    From DC to Jackson Heights
    Podesta’s reaching for a child
    While the deep state’s running wild!!!

  5. Paging Attorney General Sessions, paging the FBI.
    No answer.

    The corrupt Clinton foundation has been going for years, the breach of National security by Hillary started the first day she was appointed as Sec. of State.

    Paging “Equal Justice for All”. No answer.
    The two tiered “justice” system is obvious and unAmerican.

  6. They replied the ambassador position was on the $3 millions sponsor level and they would be happy to comply after he sends the additional donation.

    I hope the new FBI director start the investigation up. This crap is so over the top. HillBilly team needs long prison sentences.

  7. “Pay to play, classified information mishandling, influence peddling, cover ups and more. Law ignored !

    Justice delayed, is justice denied.
    William Gladstone
    British politician (1809 – 1898)

  8. if it doesn’t appear in the ny times it doesn’t really happen does it ?

    our politicians are surprisingly quiet about the corruption that shines just as much light on them for not doing anything about it as it does the ones engaging in it.

    if they are not actively cleaning it up they are helping it continue, right ?

  9. patience people. the Clintons will not be able to weasel out of the numerous crimes they have committed. the trails are numerous and convoluted and will take time for sessions to sort out. When the arrest warrants are issued prepare for the screeching of various democraps so the proof must be ironclad. Sessions cannot let this ride, if he does he has lost all credibility.

  10. Each and every politician I see, particularly the proud jovial ones like McCain, Schumer, Pelosi, Graham… they look like human turds. Feces.
    To be collecting rich salaries with perks, for decades, and to be so glib as they run this country into the ground…. shit they are, and absolutely nothing more.

  11. Will congress be subject to the laws of the Nation?
    Will Congress eliminate self-serving member initiatives (Pork projects)used for re-election purposes?
    Will Congress fulfill their responsibilities and duties?
    Will congress put the Nation first and politics second?
    Will Congress pass legislation they promised during the election?
    Will Congress pass term limits?

    Just kidding, the Swamp is all powerful and unwilling to give up the perks and influence peddling that have made them $multi-Millionaires at taxpayers expense.

  12. If the Congress and the DoJ continue to ignore the obvious crimes of both Clintons, a number of their associates, the DNC, Wasserman-Shultz, the connections between the hacking of the DNC server and the hit style murder of Seth Rich, as well as the unholy alliance between Congressional D’s and the Awan family, the only accurate and reasonable conclusion is the DoJ is complicit and has no reason to call themselves the “Department of Justice.”

    The books, Clinton Cash and Guilty as Sin are not fiction.

  13. “U.S. ambassadorship to Puerto Rico”
    ?????? Puerto Rico is a US territory….why would we have an ambassador there? I want to be appointed as ambassador to either Florida or Hawaii.

  14. @riverlife_callie – ah…article was right but posting above says to Puerto Rico…..”requested through Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band that a specific candidate be considered for the U.S. ambassadorship to Puerto Rico.”
    My bad, should have read the actual article.

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