Huma Abedin’s father: “The state has to take over…overseeing that human relationships are carried on on the basis of Islam” – IOTW Report

Huma Abedin’s father: “The state has to take over…overseeing that human relationships are carried on on the basis of Islam”

Does Huma Abedin also believe that the state should enforce Sharia? Now that these statements by her father have come to light, will she repudiate them? Will any mainstream media reporter ask her to do so? Almost certainly not.


14 Comments on Huma Abedin’s father: “The state has to take over…overseeing that human relationships are carried on on the basis of Islam”

  1. Will anyone question Huma’s allegiance to this country now that the beans have been spilled on mommy and daddy? Hey, I’m all in for them going back to their first century cave in their netherlands. Take Weiner as well.

  2. I heard Jay Sekulow talking about Huma on CBN News today, and the possibility that she could be giving advice to a president. Jay said the fact that the constitution can be amended is the reason Huma’s people try to pass off islam as being compatible with the constitution. Maybe a sharia amendment?
    He says if we allow sharia law to take hold in America the way they did in the U.K., America is doomed.

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