Huma: ‘Can We Survive Not Answering Questions From Press?’ – IOTW Report

Huma: ‘Can We Survive Not Answering Questions From Press?’

WFB: Top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin pressed campaign staff to consider whether the Democratic nominee could “survive” avoiding questions from the press during the first stage of her candidacy, according to newly released WikiLeaks emails.

“Can we survive not answering questions from press at message events[?]” Abedin wrote in a May 2015 exchange, Politico reported. “Her [David Dinkins Forum] speech and immigration message broke through because we didn’t take questions. Her community banks message got lost because she answered questions about the foundation and emails.”

Abedin said Clinton should wait until the fall to begin participating in “avails at message events, interviews, and q and a with press,” but noted the campaign should maintain “a series of policy proposals already announced and reported on that she could point to.”

Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta pushed back against Abedin’s suggestion, calling it “suicidal.” MORE

4 Comments on Huma: ‘Can We Survive Not Answering Questions From Press?’

  1. I’m so tired of these elitist criminals. They could uncover their horns, pull out their tails, and spew fire and brimstone and the American people would be told to look at the hair out of place on the heads of conservatives.

    They shed the worst of scandals like a duck sheds water and we are told there is nothing to see, or, “I don’t recall.”

    Gads, it feels so strange to have anyone with si many strikes, still batting. Freaking amazing.

    Someone toss a bucket of water on the witch, maybe that would work.

    Clintons are like a horrible ugly Christmas sweater. They keep rising from the pile of depravity.

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