Huma spotted in a sleeveless dress at the inauguration with no coat and no wedding ring – IOTW Report

Huma spotted in a sleeveless dress at the inauguration with no coat and no wedding ring


The election may be long over, but where Hillary goes – Huma still follows.

Abedin, 40, was spotted braving the winter chill with a sleeveless dress and no coat as she made her way to Donald Trump’s inauguration on Friday.

But her arms weren’t the only thing bare.

Hillary Clinton’s confidante also left her wedding ring at home, clearly indicating that Anthony Weiner’s reported hopes for a reconciliation are not going well.


29 Comments on Huma spotted in a sleeveless dress at the inauguration with no coat and no wedding ring

  1. Huma will do just fine in the federal prison system after she is convicted of violating the espionage act. No doubt that drunken old crone, Hillary, has over the years initiated her into the finer points of lesbian love making to the point where she now has a black belt in yodeling in the canyon.

    Unless of course she cuts a deal with the Feds and turns on Hillary.

  2. Cheryl Mills: The dog that didn’t bark.

    Did she die, or what? Total blackout, pardon the pun. I can’t figure out if the MSM is racist for ignoring her, or if they’re helping her hide.

  3. One thing she wasn’t clutching in her bony fingers is a Presidential Pardon for her co-conspirator, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Let slip the dogs of the legal process! God speed,Trey Gowdy.

  4. Such a pretty girl – if it wasn’t for her penchant for old, fat, decrepit, wheezy, drunken, murdering grifters – I’m sure she could latch onto a weiner, or two.
    Maybe Geraldo could take a shot at it?
    I’m sure that if she returns to Ragheadistan, her life is over.
    Oh, well.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @All Too Much, right. Huma’s lost everything now. Cover blown and her embed mission hit a dead end so she has no future with Muslim Brotherhood.
    Her only remaining asset is her dirty secrets about Clinton espionage and bribery.
    She has to cut her witness-immunity deal fast before Podesta, Mills etc beats her to it.

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