Human Leg Discovered on New York Subway Tracks – IOTW Report

Human Leg Discovered on New York Subway Tracks

New York Metro Transportation Authority (MTA) workers were horrified on Saturday after they discovered a human leg on a section of New York City’s subway tracks.

13 Comments on Human Leg Discovered on New York Subway Tracks

  1. Having seen the results of train/human close interaction a couple times and been delayed by it numerous times, the train always wins.

    The only thing they fear is a concrete truck loaded or a tanker.

    Got to better ways to end it than causing the problems for the engineers.

  2. Gotta hand it to the dude, he’s got a leg up on the competition.

    Distance punting contest…human vs train….
    Human punts, 0 distance.
    Train punts, 9 miles!
    Train wins!

    As for Tucker Carlson, yes, the Moscow subway station may be cleaner and better kept, the people may be nicer, BUT!….as Thomas Jefferson said, “Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam” or, “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery”.

  3. Even though he was told before that he does not have the power to do this, he is trying this again to show his base, who were going to vote for him anyway, that he is “fighting for them.”

    That’s what Democrats do. In Harris County (Houston), there is a Democratic candidate for DA whose FB ads have been primarily about women’s “reproductive rights.” (There was one saying he has been endorsed by a former mayor.) I have not seen any of his ads address the issue of fighting crime. Considering that he has not addressed crime and that he is implying that he will not enforce laws that he does not like, it sure looks like we done have ourselves a Soros candidate here in Texas.

  4. And it’s no coincidence that it was a left leg as well. They need to check the missing person records for any missing leftists who may have been pushed onto the railroad tracks because they dared to disbelieve and run away from the liberal orthodoxy. Since its NYC did, he know hellary by any chance?


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