Human Smuggler Struck & Killed While Fleeing Police on Texas Highway – IOTW Report

Human Smuggler Struck & Killed While Fleeing Police on Texas Highway

The Salty Cracker has the story. Watch. [Language Warning]
article –

16 Comments on Human Smuggler Struck & Killed While Fleeing Police on Texas Highway

  1. Back up.


    Run down his body slowly from crotch to head to see what you can squeeze out his mouth before crushing his skull.

    Treat all slavers the same way.

  2. …but what’s the deal with the one that puckered up on the semi? Did they even call FD? Why does it still have a top? Do they not have the Jaws of Life? Hydraulic shears? Nothing?

    …it’s pretty much SOP is such situations to flop the top at the very least, and more like put relief cuts in the chassis and bend it up, maybe roll the dash, so you can actually access people to see if you (a) saw EVERYBODY (babies are small and dead moms drop ’em pretty randomly), and (b) you’re quite sure they are unsalvagable.

    …and either way, it’s optimal for at least getting in some extraction practice. It makes the bodies easier to access, if nothing else…

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