Hundreds Gather to Defy NYC Covid Mandates – IOTW Report

Hundreds Gather to Defy NYC Covid Mandates

100% Fed Up:

Hundreds of New Yorkers have gathered at city hall in New York City to protest the covid mandates from Mayor de Blasio that prohibit the unvaccinated from participating in most activities in the city. Only the covid vaccinated will be able to participate in most indoor activities like restaurants, movies, Broadway shows, gyms…

The irony is that even the vaccinated are getting sick with the Delta variant.  The rules and regulations from politicians are a joke considering our southern border is wide open, letting covid-positive illegal aliens go anywhere they want in the US. Until they close the border, how can anyone take these mandates seriously? MORE HERE

3 Comments on Hundreds Gather to Defy NYC Covid Mandates

  1. I know there are some conservatives in NYC but damn, so many of the fucks up there keep voting for the government to control every single aspect of their lives so…
    Get the fuck out of there or take it up the ass like the simping faggot that you are.
    So tired of this shit!

  2. MASS PSYCHOSIS. The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.


  3. Those small businesses which are cooperating with the known communist de Blasio’s sick demands will see a further tragedy when potential customers kick them to the curb even further. de Blasio does NOT have the authoritative purview to install medical-health measures and will continue to bankrupt those biz which pander to his egotistical and hoping-for-higher-office creeds. People: spend money on/offline with other stores and eateries which don’t kizz de Blasio’s flat azz.


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