‘Hundreds’ Of NYC Coronavirus Victims’ Bodies Still Being Stored In Freezer Trucks – IOTW Report

‘Hundreds’ Of NYC Coronavirus Victims’ Bodies Still Being Stored In Freezer Trucks


“Hundreds” of New York City’s coronavirus victims have yet to be processed and buried, according to the Wall Street Journal, and their bodies are still sitting in giant freezer trucks parked along the waterfront near Brooklyn.

The city has yet to empty the “disaster morgue,” the WSJ reports, and around 650 individuals who died from the virus have yet to be cataloged and their remains released to next of kin. The dead, stored in massive refrigerator trucks brought into the city when several of NYC’s hospital morgues ran out of storage, largely represent low-income victims, many of whom “couldn’t afford a proper burial,” per Forbes, or who the city had a difficult time naming.

“Officials at the chief medical examiner’s office said they are having trouble tracking down relatives of about 230 deceased people,” WSJ notes. “In cases like these, a spokeswoman said, it isn’t uncommon for the deceased to have been estranged from families and for next-of-kin details to be updated or incorrect. When next of kin have been contacted, officials said most bodies haven’t been collected because of financial reasons.” more

16 Comments on ‘Hundreds’ Of NYC Coronavirus Victims’ Bodies Still Being Stored In Freezer Trucks

  1. I hope the 100s of corpses rise up on Christmas Eve and thump their still packaged frozen bodies against Cuomo’s house until he opens a window and they drag him out of it. Into the icy nightmare that he created; never to be seen again.

  2. Maybe I’m just getting jaded, but I’m wondering how many of those coronavirus victims are actually coronavirus victims and how many are really victims of something else that just tested positive and their death attributed to the virus?

  3. …fun fact: one of the lessons learned from the crash of United 232 in Sioux City in 1989 was that food companies get pretty mad when you use their reefer trailers with pictures of their product on them as makeshift mourges so a nationwide audience can see you pushing dead bodies into trucks with tasty Mac and Cheese pictures on the side.

    Doesn’t do much for your branding, so they learned to, you know, cover the tasty treat images up before showing the cold customers inside, so I’m just wondering if Burke South trucking lines wouldn’t have been happier if they’d have done that HERE…

    …another OT thing they learned was that, while they had a GREAT system for tracking each individual body through the postmortem identification process by having a live person stick with the body at each station holding the growing folder of forensic records being generated, there WAS an issue with using basically untrained people to do that, not because it was a hard job, but because they didn’t learn what “burned beyond recognition” ACTUALLY meant until they saw it, and LOTS of it, in the processing area, plus folks were pretty tore up mechanically besides, and even the toughest of the civilian workers in this role were pretty much freaked out at the dental X-ray section where the pathologist had to mobilize, i.e. remove, the jaw to get good pictures, and the folder holders REALLY weren’t told to prepare for that, but that’s a little more violent sort of death and so a different subject for another day…

    …but just for fun, you know why the airlines INSIST on seat belts?

    …so the part with the wallet is easy to find…

    (Just kidding…I think…)

  4. Kcir
    NOVEMBER 23, 2020 AT 6:57 PM

    “Only the Government could get away with this level of indignity to a human body.”

    …Get away with?



    Sadly, no…

    …not long after I started on my factory job, they hired a parts guy who used to run with a private ambulance service. These differed from the municipal services like I ran with in that their clientele tended to NOT be emergency patients (except for GSW gang members who thought if you PAID the ambulance they wouldn’t report it, but they legally had to, same as me), but rather interhospital stable patient transport, old folks to the doctor, and under contract with the coroner, dead body transport.

    …someone told this guy I used to run Squad, and he sought me out in the smoking area to swap war stories (I smoked then, a loathsome habit I’ve long since dropped).

    But this guy wasn’t right in the head, and he thought I’d find abuse of a corpse FUNNY.

    …seems he and his partner were bored with toting the recently departed around, and one of them for God knows what reason decided that it would be fun to get their peaceful patient out of the back and prop him up in the driver’s seat at the drive-thru at McDonald’s. Somehow the storyteller manipulated the controls around their decedent driver well enough to get to the window, and let the gal at the window try to get money from him, which he was obviously unable to give. Apparently she grew annoyed at his inertness and poked him, whereupon he slumped into the steering wheel to her horror, they laughed, and left without even completing the transaction.

    …well, someone noted their company and blistered their boss’s ears, they got fired and their licenses pulled (but not jailed, unfortunately), and forced to seek another career.

    He still thought this was FUNNY though, and was kinda PROUD of it, so I let dude know he could stay the hell away from me, and helped ensure he needed to look for another job AGAIN.

    …there was also some sick fuck who was friends with a guy at the mourge, and talked him into letting him put props like roses on the bodies of dead, naked people of all ages and taking pictures. This was right around when my own father died so you can BELIEVE that I made sure HE wasn’t an unknowing subject of this vileness.

    I would have killed the dude if he HAD been.

    …I saw my share of dead people and had to get some back from some pretty bad places, but I and everyone I ran with always dealt with it with respect and as carefully as possible, like they could still feel pain, to minimize the damage. I didn’t know this person, but it was someone’s mother, father, son, daughter, whatever, and itbwas the envelope God sent a message to Earth in, so I would treat such as I’d want my father treated, and so did anyone with an ounce of decency.

    But not everyone does.

    And I suspect it’s only gotten worse in latter days.

    And will be worse yet when Democrats make death commonplace and completely forbid religious services as that’s the direction they are headed, because Communists need you programmed to believe that life is cheap…


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