Hundreds Protest Against Coronavirus Lockdown Rules – IOTW Report

Hundreds Protest Against Coronavirus Lockdown Rules

(AFP) – Hundreds of people demonstrated Saturday in cities across America against coronavirus-related stay-at-home rules — with the explicit encouragement of President Donald Trump — as resentment against prolonged confinement grew.

An estimated 400 people gathered under a cold rain in Concord, New Hampshire — many on foot while others remained in their cars — to send a message that extended quarantines were not necessary in a state with relatively few confirmed cases of COVID-19, an AFP photographer reported.

A similar rally outside Maryland’s colonial-era statehouse in Annapolis drew around 200 protesters. And more than 250 people showed up in the Texas capital of Austin, as such protests continued to spread.

They drew encouragement in certain Democratic-led states from tweets by Trump — who has said he favors a quick return to normal practices — though protests have also taken place in Republican-led states like New Hampshire.

In Concord, demonstrators carried signs with slogans like “The numbers lie” or “Reopen New Hampshire.”

Their common demand was that the stay-at-home order for the state of 1.3 million people be called off before its scheduled May 4 end date.

‘Live Free or Die’

Others, amid a sea of American flags, chanted the state’s Revolutionary War-era slogan, “Live Free or Die.” more here

22 Comments on Hundreds Protest Against Coronavirus Lockdown Rules

  1. Scott Adams (Dilbert) tweeted this yesterday:
    “Any small business that can’t get PPP because money ran out can ethically consider violating guidelines and reopening. Because fuck Congress.”

    Congress/America told businesses to shut down, that they would be given money to carry them through. Then it didn’t happen. Those businesses have every right to go back to work because the other side broke its promise.

  2. When does the dictatorship of Dr.”wrong model” Fauci come to an end…
    He and Dr Blix have both modeled the incompetence and an inaccuracy of CDC models,
    Yet they persevere with them as though they were without error, BIG MISTAKE !!!!
    Both quacks would have been better off using real data instead of fantasy land scenarios.

  3. “Live Free or Die.”

    Dying suggestions:

    1. Simple DIYFOAD. (Visit a hardware store and get creative.)
    2. JITLFOAD (jump in the lake – from a high bidge)
    3. Contradict Hillary Clinton –> ARKANFOAD.
    4. Death by cop (LEO FOAD – he’s a nice guy and happy to oblige).
    5. Swallow your tongue STFUFOAD.

  4. Meanwhile today down in the Tri Cities in Central Wash. state at Columbia Point Marina on the Columbia River in Kennewick, hundreds gather to protest Wash. states (illegal) ban on fishing. Many boats had signs saying “let us fish”, it is not illegal to be boating but you just can’t fish right now which is stupid. My son who is an avid fishermen is still pissed over this overreach by our lousy Governor and the Fish & Game Dept.

  5. You know how I complied today?

    Went to the waste transfer station to get rid of the trash, the gas station to fill up, the Walmart, the liquor store, the farm store to buy plants, grocery store. Silly people wearing masks everywhere. Why not just stand in a field bleating like sheep, you idiots?

    Government didn’t slow me down one bit.

    Nice try Ralphie.

    I ate. I gardened. I lived. I drank.

    You lost.

    What a loser you are, Blackface.

    The ultimate protest won’t occur at the state Capitol.
    It will occur in every county and in every neighborhood and on every street and there isn’t anything your brownshirts can do about it.

    We are ignoring you. You are insignificant.

  6. @ Lowell APRIL 18, 2020 AT 8:00 PM

    The number of meth dealers turned loose today in my state, Washington, bests the number arrested for dealing meth in your state by an order of magnitude

  7. @anonymous. Millions of Americans go about their business undeterred by the mentally defective such as you and the tiny overlords that wish to dictate the conditions of surrender we haven’t accepted.

    You are the ticks we brush off before they engorge while we get about our successful lives.

    Your side does professional tantrumism for a living. Crybaby leftism is so Obama era.

    We’re busy making America Great Again in spite of your miserable feeble attempts to bring socialism.

  8. @Anonymous
    The first Tea Party protests in the spring of 2009 were “hundreds”. It took a while for people to realize a movement was happening.
    Just a few months later 500,000+ people marched on Washington.
    We are much better organized now. It will happen much faster if necessary.

  9. @jethro is right

    First teaparty I attended was in Lafayette park, across the street from the White House in January (maybe early February) 2009. A few hundred.

    Got busy and we organized 5,000 in Richmond by April.

    Things got nationwide and Sept 12 was hundreds of thousands in DC.

    Here’s the difference, though.

    The early days were about realizing we are not alone, organanizing, becoming citizen lobbyists and silently effecting changes.

    Our network elected Trump.

    We are ready. We don’t need to march. We’re connected and poised for action. You don’t win every battle, but we know how to fight and win.

  10. I think just about every state now has a Reopen FB page. Today one asked everyone to tell their story about what this was doing to them, their families, friends and neighbors. The personal stories are heartbreaking. This is now even more than just lost jobs and lost businesses, it’s costing lives. It’s saying you can only be cared for if you have or are suspected to have COVID-19, other lives are not important. I was joking with my grandson the other day and told him to quit swinging so high because if he broke his arm the hospital wouldn’t fix it. I thought it was a joke, but apparently it isn’t.

    Just a few that had tears running down my cheeks.

    A single mother, who became a single mother because her husband and father of her child passed away after a long battle with cancer. She was left broke and alone to raise their children. Before having her children she worked in a hair salon. So with a lot of sweat and hard work she opened up her own salon. For 5 years she had been providing for her kids and finally 2 years ago she was able to start putting a little back for a rainy day. Now she has to close her business because with nothing coming in, she can’t dip anymore into her savings to pay rent,utilities, business taxes and insurance for a business she can’t operate. She needs that money to pay her mortgage, utilities, car insurance and buy food for her kids. It won’t last long, she took a job at Dollar General to help out a little. Thankfully her 2 kids are a pre-teen and a teenager, so old enough to stay home by themselves.

    A man came to his neighbors’ home and asked if they would eat dinner with him. A man in his 60’s who was furloughed and had recently went through a divorce, leaving him with very little savings. He told them his story, he’s all alone, a recovered alcoholic who had not had a drink in 15 years. The loneliness is making him feel as if he’s going insane and he broke down and bought a bottle.

    A mother told about her daughter who is bi-polar. She had been doing well on her medication for two years, had been holding down a job, until all of this. She lost her job, took her weeks to just finally get her online unemployment application to go through, but has yet to receive a dime. She was told her unemployment debit card would come in the mail. When it didn’t arrive she called back and was told she could cancel it as it sounds like it was lost in the mail. In order to cancel it though and have another expedited she had to pay a $15 fee and then it would be there within 3 days. It didn’t arrive. Between all of that and not being able to see her friends or go anywhere, she quit at some point taking her medication. Now she’s turned off her phone left it at home and her family can’t find her. The police have said there is nothing they can do, they’re only working emergencies.

    A teenager cut off his finger and the ER would do nothing, saying they couldn’t find a doctor who would do any surgeries that weren’t life threatening. Took them 24 hours to finally find a doctor that would do surgery, but by that time it was too late to save his finger.

    A nurse who was sent home, her entire surgical floor shut down. She gets 75% pay until the end of April and then must file for unemployment. The hospital also laid off all the pharmacists and imaging techs. They did this while they had a man waiting for surgery to remove a malignant tumor. They sent him home and told him to wait.

    This last one was the hardest. A woman with a brain tumor who was scheduled for surgery to remove the tumor. They had scheduled the surgery then the very next day was when all elective surgeries were halted. They had told her all the scenarios that could happen if she waited for the surgery, blindness or even death. They’re not sure whether it’s malignant or not, so if it is malignant, not only is she not getting the surgery, she is not getting any treatment. She’s having massive headaches and her vision is getting blurry. Her doctor can’t even get the hospitals to allow him to do the surgery because they have sent home all the surgical nurses, surgical staff and anesthesiologists home.


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